Meh, all forums have their peak moments. I don't post much, mostly because i know so little of the goings on of the porn industry that my input would likely be useless. Ive been watching and occasionally putting in my 2 coppers every now and then. But a few things come to mind about why the board isn't as fiery as it used to be

Some key folks don't seem to come around much anymore, not to throw more heaps of praise on Conky but he seems to have been the first person (at least here) who took the time to deflate the then towering ego's of some of the performers of the day.

Secondly the industry doesn't seem to have (or at least they don't come here) of the trigger finger types like Kurt Lockwood who could always be counted on to take the bait. And this is only speculative but I'm guessing that XPT is known about to an extent within the Adult industry and the up and coming "Stars" who are simply looking for good "reviews" and friendly comments, that this will be one of the last places that they would come to, likely they've been warned that they won't be treated like the princes and princesses they want to be.

The other factor i think is that most of the performers likely spend most of their time on Facebook and Twitter these days. Why you would want to compress one actual thoughts and feelings into single blurbs like "I feeel FAT2DAY" is beyond me but it seems to be the popular trend.

Also there within the last few months there as been the issue of "He who must not be named" and the lockdown on topics about him. Whoever own this board has the right to say what can go on here.And yet at the same time in all of the web forums I've been on they usually jump the shark when some topics become verboten.

If you're asking if i have an ultimate answer to this, nope. Just what i've observed over the years. XPT used to be the Wild West and now it seems to becoming Fresno (not that ive been there - it just sounded good)


One thing i forgot to mention is that in a weird sense the Luke ford from the porn "journalism" scene also had a hand in all this. Luke was a guy who at least to my eyes wanted more than anything to hook up with one of the girls here and seems to be always looking for the 'honest girl' who was behind the porn chick.

Whatever his faults maybe he was almost always around when people were throwing gas on the fire and if no one was doing it he would occasionally throw it himself. Ive seen some of his pots about his 'jewishness' and frankly he's become a running bore. He tries his sarcasm on jewish politics and local politicos but these days no one seems to really care what he says.

If there was anyone who was born to poke into the corners of the porn industry it was him, today's bloggers seem to much either for or against porn. From what i saw most people who actually produced worked in or did porn looked at him with the hairy eye-ball whenever he came near. To me that often signals someone i want to read more from

Edited by hyperion (05/16/10 11:33 PM)