Darrah Ford - April 23, 2010

No I don’t live in a glass house but I’m not HIV positive and having biological children putting their lives in danger. Last I checked, there is NO CURE. The advancements have made people live longer but there still isn’t a cure. She can adopt or take in foster children.

They are both 12 and 13 years into their HIV status. This could put her body at her age in severe stress mode and add to that the upcoming trial with all that added stress. Stress alone is bad on a baby. But the mother is also HIV positive and both she and her husband take very powerful drugs that has made them live as long as they have and as healthy as they have been.

The trial could also drain them financially. What if John is convicted or pleads out. Then Karen is stuck alone with raising two children, possibly no money to pay for her treatments and raise her two kids.

They got married about a year and a half ago. Now she’s pregnant. Seems like a ploy because of John’s upcoming trial. Someone told me they probably only got married after all these years because if anything happens to him because of the trial, the daughter is finally legal and the money will automatically go to her with Karen overseeing the fund. Now a baby? Maybe a ploy so to tell a judge you can’t put him away because he now has a new baby to take care of. I highly doubt this was John’s idea. His freedom is on the line and he thinks what a great idea it would be to have another child now?

My cousin has Hepatitis and still had a baby. The family also thinks she’s a prostitute because how else could she afford all the drugs she was once on. Her daughter didn’t contract any STDs but she was very late with her speech. She’s 4 now and still can’t talk in full sentences like everyone else in her school. She’s also extremely violent. As I said, she’s only 4. Why can’t she talk normally like all the other kids her age and why is she so extremely violent? The father is now HIV positive but he seems to have contracted HIV after she was born.

I never thought John should be on trial. He’s not Max Hardcore or someone in that field. If they’re going after him of all people, whose next? Steve Hirsch?