How many times do flight attendants have to remind the flying public that flights, in the these modern times, are strictly non-smoking? And what's more is that you'd think a passenger who's taking too long in the lavatory with smoke coming out from under the door would use common sense to stop himself from joking that he's trying to light a shoe bomb. But no; everything failed horribly last night when a Qatari diplomat on a United flight between Washington-Reagan and Denver International smoked a cigarette in the restroom and then made the sarcastic comment that he was lighting up his shoes.

As expected, the comment was taken literally by the US Air Marshals on board, who wrestled the man down and restrained him through the remainder of the flight, while military jets were scrambled to see the plane to a safe landing. United flight 663, a 757 plane, did land shortly after and was held in a secure area of the airport until a search of the passenger and the plane had finished. Surprise, surprise—no explosives were found.

What the Qatari diplomat did was probably the stupidest thing short of actually having a shoe bomb. Oh yea, and he won'd be facing any charges because he was on official business on this trip to Denver, so he gets diplomatic immunity (which is bullsh*t). Would he have gotten diplomatic immunity if he actually tried to set something on fire up there?

In any case, it's not news anymore. Go about your usual business.