
Ok dude, why the name change? I don't think i was around when you did it and I have been meaning to ask.

I had been making the change toward taking my role as a publicist more seriously

...when I was just blogging about industry parties and what not, the over the top rawker thing worked.

But then a few factors started to come into play as I started to make the transition...

I needed to be taken more seriously than running around like the drunken lout. Considering that I am getting paid by these people who are (for better or worse) trusting me to get shit done.

And to be honest, I knew I very well that I could not roll with the leather pants forever.

Dropped the make-up late last year, then shaved my head, then started to dress more like an adult...

It was about that time, i think it was jamesN wrote that I had cancer. someone wrote 'R.i.p. monstar' and I just went with it, being that that was the direction I was kinda heading with the "Monstar" persona as it were.

But at the end of the day, a lot of people are going to recognize more as "the monstar" than Alexander, I'm not killing off ContactPornStars.com, and I want to get HorrorOnDvd.com going, like most Monsters...they never really die. LOL
ContactPornStars.com TheStarFactoryEnt.com