Yeah, The Brown Bunny that just came out on DVD, with Vincent Gallo and Chloe Sevigny.

Sevigny's feet looked horrible, which almost ruined my entire goddamn day, but the movie was interesting. It tried to be a bit to Sixth Sense-ish, but all in all, I liked it.

I really don't think I would like VG as a person. I've read some interviews of him, and he is over the top mean and arrogant. In fact, when Sevigny used to be with Harmony Korine(Kids, Gummo etc . . .) Gallo gave interviews calling them both every name in the book. He called her a whore, a bitch, him a hack moron, and much more and worse. I'm paraphrasing, but he was relentless.

That's why I was very surprised to hear about her part in The Brown Bunny. He may have been right about her.
you mean my days having fun while being fundamentally superior to you? - Jamesn