
Well, maybe someday I'll be cool enough to like movies with horrible actors and a crew that was picked up at the work corner, and pan movies with halfway decent actors and a camera made after 1987.

This isn't Columbine and it ain't about being cool, jesus christ, it's about having an opinion. As a film lover, that's the only thing tangible that we do have -- oh, and usually a massive DVD/video collection.

As for dumping on DV movies, uh, okay, it's easy to kick someone when they make shit on a 1000 dollar budget. It's another thing altogether when you make shit on a budget of 100 million. As for talented actors, don't make me fucking laugh. A lot of them are Hollywood A-listers, who made it to the top based on nothing more than their looks, who they fucked etc... Just because they make big budget movies doesn't mean that they're talented.

I just think it's hilarious when people say they like Tim Burton or Rodriguez or NBK etc... Why? Usually their answers are baseless, and follow the same tired line as the next guy. They like their shit because everyone else likes their shit and it's the "in" thing to think some hack like Rodriguez has, or, in his case, had talent. Unlike everyone else in this forum, I go against the norm and say I think he sucks.

That, my friend, is a fucking "opinion" cool or not.