Even the part with her butt was not great. It was a tease. She was pulling back her panties, ostensibly exposing her cunt and anus, at point blank range(oh god, here it comes again), to a strip club patron. But it was always JUST OFF CAMERA. Of course, I expected nothing more, but it still hurt this small town boy from TX> All I wanna do it put the head in. You'd think she could accomodate, da' beetch. She's ungrateful, and that's not sexy. It's perverts like me who made her famous in the first place.

Oh yeah, and she is a vegan. That means she shits at least 3 times a day, and it's that loose, drippy, light brown, vegetable shit. I'll bet she wipes back to front, painting her potentially perfect, delicate meat petals with that toxic brown paste.
you mean my days having fun while being fundamentally superior to you? - Jamesn