Age: 26
Profession: Model
Born in: Poland
Lives in: Bydgoszcz
1997 I was bitch first time , and I m always in sexaction. Im not princes, fuck my like a bithc

2006 topples for boobsgarden.com (I was Arabella )
2008 sexwebcam, Imlive.com
2008 amateur model in porn films. I do this for fun , some of my films are availible in lot of sexwebsites
2009 call girl, few times , for fun , for good cash and for special invites.
2010 I will be a pornstar. Im sure... Im writing about it now becose I dont know when I will do update here
I was born for fuck. Sex is all my life and nobody can change it. I lost my virginity in 14yo, and after 2 years I was fucked in all holes. I live in Poland and this is bigest problem for me. Polish porn bussines doesnt exsit, and girls like me have to looking chance in EUROPE. I worked as model in sexwebcam, I was model in boobsgarden.com, I was hooker

and now I would like to be model in professional porn production. I know that it will not easy , becose I dont want leave Europe, but maybe ...

(btw MR OBAMA !!!! how long girls like me will need visa to USA ????!!!) I think too about private paysite with my porn pics and movies, but I need someone who will do it. WEBMASTERS - Im waiting for your propose for me. I havent cash but if you do nice paysite I will give you half of money which that paysite will bring us...
I forgot write that my next problem is english language. I dont speak english and write with dictionary. of course the most important words for pornstar I know very well
Please PM moblem or me for contact information.