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#474374 - 02/04/10 07:37 PM
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
So I was sitting here folding laundry watching Issues W/ Jane Velez-Mitchell. (I kn0ow, totally ghey! So what.) Teh topic: Joslyn James and some balls but not just any balls and not balls on her face, but get this.... Her face on balls!! 0_M_9!!! SO I'm like whatev, until I hear the voice of my one of my least favorite people -like ever!
Fucking cunt, Whoria Allred.  I cant even put in to words how much I hate that cunt. Diarreahlon must be her thrice removed super-duper dee dee dee inbred second cousin's alt ID or someshit because those bitches really get my hateful juices flowin'. I don't even know what it is exactly, but it JUST IS.
So olewassher pornoface, was bitching about the Tigger Woods mistress golf balls and I'm like, "ohhh this coming from the whore who probably has Dick Nasty's ball wrinkles imprinted on her chin."
[ Click, if you'd like.]
The fruit at the bottom of the yogurt that this bitch was looking to stir up was all about $$$. No surprise there. ( Someone owes child support.) The reason she allegedly doesn't want to be associated with those particular balls is that she doesn't want to think about someone (a man) hitting her dumb bitch face with a golf club, because "ITS WRONG!" (BTW she's not looking good these days.) She lied, I mean, she "said" that "being the victim of abuse blah. blah, bullshit..." You know the rest.
Towards the end of the manhating ramble-on, the stupid bitches all agreed that whores on the side SHOULDN'T be the ones to blame for the actions of dudes who cheat and that other people too, should pity them. *They are not the ones who promised to be faithful or whatthefuckever.* So lame.
I hate that people just can't be more realistic about shit. Like...
"Give me my fucking money or get my fucking face off your goddamn balls!"
"I get off on fucking married men, in the end everyone involved gets a good screwing, whats not to love? Didn't care then and I most certainly don't give a fuck now."
Fucking people, srsly. Well, I had fun, but I gotta go now, A giant load awaits... Of dishes, of course you, silly butt cheek! Laters. <3
 PS. Gloria Allred/Desi Foxx teaming up has totally crossed my mind more times that I am comfortable with. Am I alone on this one? (Discuss, maybe. Sorry Jeff if thats a no-no.)
468151-gloria-allred.jpg (4 downloads)
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474375 - 02/04/10 08:09 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 06/06/09
Posts: 1321
What are your thoughts on his wife not wanting a divorce anymore and wanting to make the marriage work? Oh, and fuck you cunt!  ( And will someone fix the fingered dude!! ^^ He's a shell of his former self and disappearing before our eyes. What the fuck happened??  )
#474376 - 02/04/10 08:35 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
No comment. While doing dishes I was thinking that I should put my pic on a hockey puck and give it to my BF on Valentine's day. I never care about V-day, but my gift idea is awesomeness. (Mostly because of my pic of course.) Srsly, who wouldn't want to slap my face around with a big stick?
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474377 - 02/04/10 08:54 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 06/06/09
Posts: 1321
No comment.
While doing dishes I was thinking that I should put my pic on a hockey puck and give it to my BF on Valentine's day. I never care about V-day, but my gift idea is awesomeness. (Mostly because of my pic of course.) Srsly, who wouldn't want to slap my face around with a big stick? 
I'm sure he'll go Elin Woods on you with that stick after he finds out it was you that gave him V-D. 
#474378 - 02/04/10 09:04 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Registered: 11/01/09
Posts: 2141
#474379 - 02/04/10 09:11 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
Ohh IDK, Durian, you're gonna have to give me a lot more bloody details about all that hateful stuff you wish would happen to me. Do you dare?
also, how about you post some pics (of you, stupidass.), k?thx.
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474380 - 02/04/10 10:37 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 06/06/09
Posts: 1321
#474381 - 02/05/10 02:00 AM
Re: electrorandomness
I have no idea what this thread is about. And, to be perfectly honest, I don't care to know.
I will say, though, that it's a hundred times more interesting, and a thousand times more relevant, than any thread started, commented upon or needlessly bumped by mopez.
#474382 - 02/05/10 02:19 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 06/06/09
Posts: 1321
I have no idea what this thread is about. And, to be perfectly honest, I don't care to know.
I will say, though, that it's a hundred times more interesting, and a thousand times more relevant, than any thread started, commented upon or needlessly bumped by mopez.
Any thread between Electro and I turns out like this. The bitch was complaining about lockjaw the other day but I told her it was one of the hazards of being a fluffer at a JM bukkake. She shouldn't be participating in any bukkakes anymore if she doesn't want that happening!!
The killer teddy bear picture was my gift to her in a moment of anger when she was going on again about her love for Ted Bundy.
teddy = Ted Get it??
Why can everyone here upload pictures 4,000 pixels wide on each side but I try uploading that killer teddy bear picture and it says "Files can be no larger than 375000". I had to upload it through Tinypic!
#474383 - 02/05/10 03:04 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
electrodislikes: bullshitters Gloria Allred (^ha) electrolikes:self storytelling folding laundry washing dishes hockey funnies flirting crappy news shows lame sexual innuendos focusing on the positive That's all. [sidenote: thanksies, Mr. J.B. !] P.s. *~Biggie Biggie Biggie can't you see.. Sometimes your words just hypnotize me... And I just love your flashy ways, guess that's why they broke, and you're so paid.~
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474384 - 02/05/10 03:29 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
@ Duh-rralon:
Bitch don't hate! Just because I have the ability to achieve sargasm and YOU DON'T. It's just not fair.
P.s. Not trying to make you poop your pants as a result of anger or anything like that, but, n0thing in my OP was copypasted. Can you say ouch? (Don't unless you really want to.)
You just did.
468222-ha..JPG (4 downloads)
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474385 - 02/05/10 05:18 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 06/06/09
Posts: 1321
#474386 - 02/05/10 05:34 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Registered: 12/26/07
Posts: 2056
This thread was started by a tweaker mother of children too young to make decisions for themselves. Every post made by her is time taken away from these poor innocents. She chooses to toss the kids in a playpen, plug in a Sesame Street dvd and post on XPT instead of interacting with her flesh and blood.
Please help the children by ignoring her compulsion to respond vacuously to every thread on the board.
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja
#474389 - 02/05/10 07:30 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 12/16/08
Posts: 2401
We need to petition Kink.com to put these two mental twats on Ultimate Surrender. Loser does an ATM gang bang after eating Taco Bell and runny eggs.
"Guage once told me that there is nothing worse than eaten ass of a black dude thats been huffen drain cleaner the night befor." - delanoojos
#474390 - 02/05/10 08:51 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
Oooh I <3 Kink.com. The man who's dishes I've been washing is/was a Taco Bell addict. But he only eats there once or twice a year. I like to think of myself as somewhat of an anything goes kinda girl, but terrible eating habits are not at all acceptable when I'm around. If it gets to a point where I no longer feel comfortable with the situation, I cry. But for the most part, he's somewhat mindful of my food hang-ups. Who am I kidding the guy is a total dick.
So last night I made a new friend, this is rare and only happens once every 10 years. This particular "buddy" is a 24 year old female who lives in my building. She has a stripper pole in her living room and I CANNOT stop giggling every time I walk by it. (My level of immaturity is quite unhealthy.  ) She insists that I try it, but I think I'd piss myself from laughter if I were to try and hang upside-down from it.
Dilemmas, dilemmas...
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474391 - 02/05/10 09:43 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Registered: 11/01/09
Posts: 2141
I will say, though, that it's a hundred times more interesting, and a thousand times more relevant, than any thread started, commented upon or needlessly bumped by mopez.
Why don't YOU post something interesting, funny or creative here?
#474394 - 02/05/10 12:18 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Registered: 11/01/09
Posts: 2141
Is that question "hypothetical", "rhetorical" or can any fat slob just jump in??
sowohl als auch, Fettsack!

any new pics of JB?
#474395 - 02/05/10 12:28 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
#474398 - 02/05/10 12:47 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
#474400 - 02/05/10 12:56 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
#474401 - 02/05/10 12:56 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Registered: 11/01/09
Posts: 2141
sowohl als auch, Fettsack!
Why do you posted in German when you're beaten?
Do you have a Nazi fetish?
No need to answer. All of the above are "hypotheticals".
any new pics of JB?
Why? Need some new spanking material??
Nazi fetish.... Gääähn.
Schwimmen, Fettsack! SCHWIMMEN!!!
Schont die Gelenke. Glaub's mir.
#474402 - 02/05/10 01:24 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Registered: 11/01/09
Posts: 2141
i am here babe <3<3
luv you hunni - did you get my messeges?
I think I might have a stalker. Highly unlikely now that Willie's gone. I wonder who it could be. Fatman, can you poll it for us somewhere in between brunch and luner and the 4th wank of the day?. Maybe the answer lies within the "whos the best xpt guy for electro" poll from last summer. Not Panzie though, he's actually scared of me, ha.
going to bed love i sorry i didn't wait for you tonight got some bad news from my mom really depressed right now, love u e<3statistic
#474405 - 02/05/10 03:02 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
#474406 - 02/05/10 03:08 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
#474408 - 02/05/10 03:18 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
Ted? Its like everyone already knows and there's more to me than my crush(es.)  Ha. If not, then IDK, I'm not up for guessing. I don't want to grow up.
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474411 - 02/05/10 08:53 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
^^^ew you really did make that just for me, huh? How nice. I'm so irritated right now, I had NO IDEA it was Friday night, and now I'm stuck w/ nothing to do, the fucking Antiques Roadshow is on, so I'm thinking I'm going to try to find a 24-hour drug store and see how much shit I can get on a 500 dollar budget. FML.  PS. I made another new female friend today.
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474412 - 02/05/10 09:06 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
No wait this is awesome. I'm going to buy those Valentine's Day cards with cartoon characters on them that come in boxes.. Like from teh elementary school era. Also cherry flavored Mickey Mouse lollipops. (If they're still around.) Maybe I can mail them to some of youz bitches. Maybe, not.
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474413 - 02/06/10 07:42 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
@mopez i guess you don't love me anymore i guess i have to move on an find another girl @mopez mopez give me love hunni i need you
Amo i Gemelli!!
#474414 - 02/06/10 08:57 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 06/06/09
Posts: 1321
i am here babe <3<3 
luv you hunni - did you get my messeges?
I think I might have a stalker. Highly unlikely now that Willie's gone. I wonder who it could be. Fatman, can you poll it for us somewhere in between brunch and luner and the 4th wank of the day?. Maybe the answer lies within the "whos the best xpt guy for electro" poll from last summer. Not Panzie though, he's actually scared of me, ha.
What would be even more stalkerish is if that picture was made & taken while he was inside your home. 
#474415 - 02/07/10 02:01 AM
Re: electrorandomness
Registered: 11/01/09
Posts: 2141
PS. I made another new female friend today.
dont't ignore my messeges, hunni!
468573-electro.jpg (4 downloads)
#474417 - 02/11/10 06:09 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
#474419 - 02/11/10 08:32 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
That was pretty fucken epic right there^.
No?. Do better.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn
#474422 - 02/12/10 06:12 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
Thanks guys. Question: Srsly, wtf?. No one noticed the little raspberry mint poking out of the mope's asshole? No one, at ALL? I noticed it, that might mean that I have issues. But I doubt it. *Giggles.uncomfortably.*
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#474423 - 02/12/10 06:40 PM
Re: electrorandomness
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 12/16/08
Posts: 2401
The strawberry sticking out of the asian girls ass in the "I Eat Glass" thread is better.
"Guage once told me that there is nothing worse than eaten ass of a black dude thats been huffen drain cleaner the night befor." - delanoojos
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