Quote: If California does a TPA [termination of parental rights] the way would be clear for neither parent to have custody and it's a crap shoot then with grandparents usually being first in line.
I don't see how they can TPA (shouldn't it be TPR?) Janine for a tax conviction and an unsavory but legal profession. The only reason she was having custody issues to start with was the united James/Bullock front. With that history along with James' desire for custody, Janine will be fine. As bad parents go, she is far, far from the worst who continue to have custody in California. She has after all successfully raised another child (or children??), hasn't abused or molested children etc. Think of how many abused children don't get removed from their parents.
McGee made the cover of the NY Post today wearing a swastika armband. Headline: Sandra's 'Heil Cat' Hussy. Note that Bullock's is the only name mentioned. She's probably talking to a divorce lawyer right now. Her career could get seriously damaged if she doesn't do it.
So far she hasn't filed for divorce so all of your scenarios are a little far fetched. Bullock has the world in her hands right now and her career wouldn't be hurt one bit if she did stay with him. She's well liked in the industry and her success has nothing to do with her marriage.
Even if the marriage does end, it plays no relevance on whether Janine gets custody back of the kid. Sorry but doing webcam fuck shows while your child is in another room of a very small apartment is irresponsible to say the least. Marrying a felon/skinhead that you met at a halfway house doesn't say "I'm a responsible parent/adult". Nor is violating the terms of your probation.