If you didn't already experience something in real life and you dreamed about it, would it feel exactly/remarkably similiar to the real thing?
Or do you have to experience something similiar already in "real life" to be able to accurately re-enact the emotions, pleasures, pain, etc.
i.e. I just awoke from a dream where a hot latina girl was giving me an awesome bareback blowjob.
If I could dream like this whenever I wanted and control what I dreamed about/filter out the shit I didn't want to dream about, I swear I would probably just sleep 24 hours a day if I could.

I've had bareback blowjobs in real life already but it felt remarkably like the "real thing".
Would this be possible if I hadn't already experienced something similiar in real life? By that I mean would the pleasure/sensations that I felt from the bareback blowjob
in my dream be exactly what it feels like in real life even if I hadn't ever received a bareback blowjob in real life?
This question doesn't have to be strictly about sexual acts.
i.e. It could be like hitting the game winning shot in a basketball game. If you dreamed about it before actual doing it in real life, did the emotions/sensations you felt match "real life" assuming you accomplished it later in real life?