According to "a former playboy" model, Hef has a stable of "slave bunnies".
Sounds to me like a bitter woman crying over not being good enough to be one of Hef's slave bunnies.
"According to a book published by Jill Ann Spaulding, a "former Playboy model", Hugh Hefner keeps a dozen "slave bunnies" at the Mansion who are required to have sex with him: link
I'm thinking this is a bit of a misrepresentation (though it does make good copy). The article in the link claims the "slave bunnies" are paid $2000 a week. Since slaves don't get paid, I think technically this would not count as a violation of the 13th Amendment.
Now, if there are a dozen "slave bunnies", or "indentured servent bunnies", or whatever we wish to call them, and they are each paid $2000 a week, we can estimate what they are each doing to earn that money. We also need to know how many times per day an old bald man on viagra can have sex. Having never pursued this line of inquiry before, I admit I can only guess.
Let's say, twice a day. That would be 14 lays per week, which spread out over 12 bunnies comes to 1.17 lays per week per bunny. At $2000 a week, that comes to $1709.40 per lay. Of course, if they are staying at the Mansion, they are earning non-monetary income in the form of room and board, which once factored in drives up each bunnies earnings per lay considerably.
I won't attempt this more complex factoring, as we have already more than established that, if Ms. Spaulding's claims are accurate, Hef is paying way above going rates for whores."