Richard Mann mumbled:


... Worried about what someone's kids might say when they see her in pictures or videos with a group of black men trying to impregnate her.That's it your trying to make America Morally correct. Well your doing a bang up Job I say!

I think you misunderstood my earlier post. I don't give a flying fuck about what someone's kids might or might not say. My point was about the excuses this woman is trying to come up with to explain her lifestyle to her offspring.
I'm not trying to make America morally correct. It's not my job nor my purpose in life. Furthermore, I don't think the moral corruption (as so vividly described by DaBurg earlier) in the US is something that will be easily corrected.


College! I learned this in a devient behavior class. All humans have some sort of addiction also.

Did you take the 'devient behavior class' before or after you learned the English language?
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.