
By uprooting the kids, the money they make is for their children as well. There are also worse things in life than mom and dad do porn. Kids are picked on all the time for various reasons when it comes to their parents. Both of Thora Birch's parents did porn and she turned out fine. Everyone knows how I feel about this industry and I am the complete polar opposite of Janet. But if they are not abusing their children and providing a safe home for them, who cares what they do for a living? Jesse Jane was on tv and said her real name and she lives in a small town. Her son is doing fine and no one is harassing him or her family. There are worse things in life than parents doing porn.

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Rear Admiral:

"If one of these whores gets herpes from me, then so be it."

"Next for me: trannies."


"This fucking jackass needs to show a recent Herpes test or go back to Canada." - BigDickDaddy