
A forum dedicated to escorts says she is still currently an escort.

Let's try this again...


This is the part where you supply a valid, up-to-date URL.


You people asked for a link and I provided it from a forum dedicated to escorts.

I'm also told many other things all the time and many of them I can never print. I could get myself arrested or get someone killed. I wouldn't be arrested by the person who I was libeling. I would be arrested by certain agencies for printing what they already know and are currently working on and don't need me to blow their case before they themselves go through with it first.

Have you ever heard of Journalistic Shield? Unless it's some kind of bullshit content that involves a federal agency, IIRC, you need not name your source in trade for imprisonment.

And if your source is the po-po, you're just afraid of losing the outlet to what you think is "news".
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron