

So even if there is no genuinity to sex workers, you have to give porn whores their due, they put it out there.

I have never gone against porn stars and have always supported them. What I'm against are porn stars who go against porn star/escorts. And that link was posted months ago because Jayden was shooting her mouth off back then on another forum and on her blogs calling porn star/escorts dirty hookers for spreading disease. Though she doesn't use condoms while shooting porn unlike most escorts who do use condoms.

So, uh...she tried it. OK

She didn’t like it. Perhaps.

She’s not allowed to denounce it, even though she gave it a shot? And because she gave it a shot, and now denounces it, she’s a hypocrite?

I think the hypocrite part could be best labeled if maybe she went BACK to hooking after making those comments.

Get a fucking life, you daddy-diddled piece of meat. Damn.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron