
One of the first scenes I ever shot (it was for my website) was with Sasha. Also the first feature set I was ever on my boyfriend fucked her. While I sat out of the way and watched while eating an apple. Also he did a painting of her a couple years ago so there were lots of photos of her nude all over our apartment the month that painting was being painted.

I don't watch much porn. But I remember Sasha's navel from seeing those couple times. It's distinctive.

Am I right?

Not Sasha.

OK an extra hint for the true connoisseur. Notice that the left labia minora is a slightly more prominent and just a bit darker than the right? I could pick this one out of a line up blindfolded.

Edited by E.Y.Davis (12/02/09 10:53 PM)
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.