Update on adultfyi

Since then a number of wrestling sites have picked up the story and even War Machine has been twittering about the incident:


War Machine twitters: • to do? Wait and let someone craxk me first? lol..I think not. Fuck all you fucks.

• Ya'll can say what you want but when you got 5 guys drunk and in your face pissed about some BS that ain't even true what am I supposed

> Fuck....last night was NOT good...lil' misunderstanding and then WM was back in effect and the bodies hit the floor. I'm fucked....lol

Alec Knight who was hit and knocked out has this to add in a Twitter post:

"I'm ok. Just have to take it easy for a few days. Got a few staples in my head, but I'm going to be ok.

"I got hit in the noggin. Then my noggin hit he ground."

I spoke to The Grand Vizier late Sunday afternoon, and he was telling me the War Machine incident occurred at a private birthday party at the Ultimate Porn Studios on Hayvenhurst near the Van Nuys airport. The shindig was for Brooke Haven and Glen, the webmaster for the MeanBitches website.

The fight, according to The Vizier broke out near midnight, but there was already a weird vibe due to the fact that it was reported earlier that David Aaron Clark had died.

“There were maybe 50 to 60 people at the party,” states The Vizier.

“Apparently War Machine wasn’t too happy, claiming that Derek Hay wasn’t getting him enough work as far as he was concerned. What happened next was speculative. Either War Machine socked a girl or was accused of doing it. Either way he snapped and began doing an Octagon dance and waving his fists. One guy was clocked and had three teeth knocked out. Another guy- an Asian- had his nose broken.

“Then War Machine came after Derek and knocked him down. Alec Knight was also hit and went down, his head striking the pavement. It seemed that every time someone tried to advise War Machine to mellow out or tried to talk sense to him, they got hit for their efforts. Maybe six guys in all got punched. War Machine was relentless as the crowd kept a distance.”

“The incident wound up with War Machine and Derek playing hide and seek with one another around a dumpster,” The Vizier continues.

“Then at some point, both War Machine and Derek took off when someone threatened to call the cops.”

> Posted on www.terezowens.com :So here’s the deal..Former UFC fighter Jon Koppenhaver, who legally changed his name to War Machine a few years ago attended a party last night for Porn Star Brooke Haven. Her Birthday party was being held at Ultimate Porn Studios in Van Nuys California..The craziness started when War Machine smacked up his porn star girlfriend Alanah Rae..He then dragged her outside where several people followed him, trying to stop him from hurting his girlfriend..He then laid out at least 8 people at the party..It was pretty much a massacre..Details are trickling in..The Police are still currently looking for him.. Remember, the guy is a MMA fighter turned Porn star. He has given up his seven-year MMA career to have sex for money…His porn dvd is yet to be released.More details to come.. -TO

Update: I have in fact spoken to War Machine’s Girlfriend Alanah Rae, who confirms that the former MMA star hit her across the face last night at Brook Haven’s Birthday Party..She claims he then went on to pummel almost a dozen dudes including his own porn agent Derek Hay..who still remains in the hospital recovering…more to come. -TO


JON KOPPENHAVER - WAR MACHINE talks suicide and a fighter's desperation

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