
If this your attempt to shut her up, it's not gonna happen. OK? IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

I should hope she doesn't shut up. This is interwebs gold. That's the beauty of the webs. Any dickhole with a keyboard, webcam, Tina Fey glasses and dark brown Aunt Jimima do- rag can wag their finger and tell us what's wrong with us. Well, not here, they can't. But other places on the interwebs.

My favorite part was the beginning of the first one. This 20 year old looking down on Ms. Grey because she thought at 18 she knew everything. Diamonds, baby.

Am I the only one who thinks our 20 year old virgin is a bit of a potty mouth for being so high and mighty? Why does she keep looking over her shoulder? Are the Jews and the Evil Porn Men coming to get her?

WTF is she wearing on her noodle in the "4eva" video? Didn't Mrs. Kravitz wear something similar to hold her curlers in place while she was ragging on her husband that something strange was going on at the Stevens house next door?

Good stuff all around. I love any 20 year old that thinks they have all the answers.

Be gentle, fellers. I for one want to hear more of her. I'm on the verge of tossing all my DVDs into a big symbolic cleansing bonfire. Maybe I'll make s'mores too. Non exploitive ones.

Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE