One of my employees, a young professional, was dating an asian massage parlour girl, he would show up with her at various office functions at which she dressed in a most skanky and unprfoessional. He revelled in the fact that she looked like the whore she was. He liked to remind his co-workers that she was a whore. He thought it was cool, most people thought it was degrading to her.

Ultimately, he was let go. Not specifically because of his girlfriend (it didn't last that long), but because of his poor judgment. Parading around his whore was just one example of it.

In other cases, I have friends and colleagues who are in long term relationships with retired strippers - can't say if they were escorts, and there is no problem at all. As both the man and the woman present themselves as mature professionals, even if one of them was in the skin trade.

I think the bottom line is that the issue is more the maturity of the people involved, and how they choose to present themselves, rather than what they used to do before embarking on their current career.
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