
Barry, go back to the original post. I think maybe we have traveled too far astray?

OK, I looked. Still a good topic, by the way.

I still disagree with you, tho. I believe that because a girl did a porn stint she's not painted with that brush forever. You asked about ex- pw's. At my age, with a girl of a similar age, who was 5, 10, 15+ years out of the business, living a normal productive life as a citizen, and everything else being good, yes I would take them to meet the family. I believe people can change themselves.

I think where we're getting off the track is your definition of an ex- pw, and what they've done since becoming an ex- pw. Again, from my perspective as a non- pimp, non- ditch digger (I don't even mow my own lawn), non-porn producing, average Joe Sixpack 44 year old, if I met a girl and everything was going great and she copped to getting throatfucked on film in the 80's, but was an average Jane Sixpack since then (working a job, paying her taxes, living a normal life), it really wouldn't change the way I felt. I'm sure I'd secretly try to find her scenes. I'll admit to that. If in the middle of it all she announced that she was going to do some scenes for JM, well, that'd be a whole nother kettle of fish.

The fact is, thousands of girls have been "porn stars" since the Deep Throat era. I don't know the percentages, but I seriously doubt that every girl left the industry and blew their brains out on drugs, or married a ditch digger, or lived a sub- standard life. I'm sure plenty of them went to school, got counseling, whatever to put that life behind them. And I'm sure many of them married normal guys with jobs and prospects and moved on with life. Sure, you hear the horror stories of the Milton Twins, or the Ellie and SWCNBN sagea, or Savannah, or whoever. But I'd assume a pretty fair percentage do their time in the industry and move on.

I guess I'm saying it all depends on the individuals involved and what their comfort level is. And I guess I'm also saying that because you did some scenes, that doesn't have to define the rest of your life. I think that's where you and I part company. What I get from you is "once a pw, always a pw". I just don't feel that way. Money and societal standing don't mean that you have class. You mentioned Pitt and JFKJR earlier. First off, there's not much difference between Jolie and a porn whore. Pitt is a classless goofball. And the Kennedys. Richer than fuck, but what a collection of pieces of shit and dolts. What prospects would any of them have had if ol' Joe wasn't a rumrunner during Prohibition? None.

If I'm still off base, tell me how, because this is an interesting topic.

Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE