
The fucking assholes harassing a 15-year-old girl on her own blog might open a can of worms you don't want opened. Whether you leave the comments and email her on a proxy, you will get this forum and its owners in deep shit when the adults around her take action. She has some of those adults already reading her blog and knowing already which forum and porn company is being that forum. THINK for a fucking minute if that's at all possible. Leave her alone! No one is trying to lure her into porn. So get off your psychotic asses saying you're trying to save her. Just when I think you can't sink any lower, you hit an all time low.

What the fuck are you talking about Dara? You need to lay off the drugs kiddo.
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja