...I must apologize to my sponsors at meatholes for being a total slacker sitting around burning the midnight muggles, eating green twinkies, and drinking too many mountain dew vodkas on the rocks. Yeah, the poll was a bit disappointing, but you guys had trouble giving away bats fresh from Ariana Jolle’s pussy. Are they all zombies out there in cyberspace? Wait, don’t tell me, I don’t wanna know.
Shit, I’ve been feeling blue recently and to cheer myself up I wandered around the behind the scenes section at the meatholes madhouse. Boogie Nights is a place I definitely need to crash or party at. If one is to believe the reports there seems like there’s always whores hanging around handing out blowjobs or waiting to be degraded for dollars. Heck, I’d be a better lackey than the minion. I don’t mind doing chores, sweeping up sets, running errands but I draw the line at cleaning up the pissmops bathtub...

"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman