Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/29/03
Posts: 9489
...Julie Night’s Midnight Prowl has her looking like a hooker in a tight miniskrt, blue corset, black fishnet, porno platforms; the whole 69 yards. Once again, the prowl begins with the Frank Wank guy taking care of booty bidness w/ Julie in da back of a limo. He puts a fuckdown on her twat, dumps a load and it’s off to the porn shop to pick up some icky degenerates. Whenever I see her I wonder what makes Julie’s mind tick, but Freud might even be baffled. In that case what I really should be wondering about is why whenever I go into an adult book store all I encounter is the creep behind the counter, walls of dildos and that lingering odor of a cleanser in the air and not some porn star cum bucket like Julie Night in the flesh?