Journey To The Center Of Meatmembers
This is the first installment of what will be an ongoing report from my journey to the center of meatmembers. I’d like to make it clear from the onset that I’m fully prepared to lose my mind in this maze of sleaze. Heck, I don’t even know where to start, but they say go with what you know. So, after pondering for a moment the bell rang bingo! I remembered that Haley teaser I saw from Frank Wank, Internet pimp. However, the main page offers such a mind-boggling selection and Blowjob Quickies caught my attention first. Just as I quickly found a scene with this hot brunette bitch named Brooke wearing these shiny neon pink stockings, Boing!, the trouser troll told me to halt.
You know, I was a huge fan of the better blowjob-only series out there, but even the best ones are merely hit or miss. All you can really hope for is like 3 or 4 stars you like and stumbling onto a couple of others who raise the phallus. Not to get lost on an oral sex series analysis, but the glaringly obvious point I’d like to make is that web clips like this let you cut right to the chase and just click the ones you want. Forget the rest because time is money, baby! More importantly, time is better served downloading the good stuff like the pov bj clip starring the aformentioned Brooke.
Before I watched the clip, I looked at all the pix in the series and going frame by frame give me a slow-mo stag film feel. You’ know those dirty films on reels that Grandpa Joe had stashed in the attic? Ok, I ‘m starting digress, or is it regress? You just gotta check the great angle on this clip cuz the viewer sees the knees and stockings during the suck. Spash! Won't be stopped now because of the white knuckles because there’s a Mallory Marx facial scene from the seventh heaven of splurk.... to be continued