I don't get this whole bukkake thing. At all. Neither from a participant's perspective nor as a consumer / member of the porn-watching masses.

As a bukkake mope you get $75 (or so I've read) for your "efforts", pay $120 (again - that's what I've read) for an AIM test and masturbate in a throng of 5, 6 or 7 dozen ugly-ass troglodytes while a naked, semi-conscious methwhore is sitting / lying behind a wall of hairy man asses, invisible to you. When you're finally ready to let your penis puke its snot, you run up to the whore who is already covered in foul-smelling man goo from head to toe, "fire" away and walk off / get pushed out of the way.

What a way to entertain yourself... for just $45 plus a bus ticket!

As a consumer you get to see a worn out porn "star" at rock bottom diddle herself in the nude. Not THAT bad... Unfortunately she's sitting in the middle of the above-mentioned scenario and slowly disappearing under an ever-growing layer of eggshell white slime. Then she tries to become visible again by eating the slime while she's desperately struggling against her urges to barf and run away.

What a way to entertain yourself... for just $29.95 plus tax and shipping!