Ok, I am calling out to the ladies out there. I was posting a response to Panzer and I made a remark along the lines of a nice candlelit dinner for Cameron. The got me to thinking (it's what geeks do, of course). What is your ideal, realistic first date?

Now, I do realize, of course, there are some ladies on this board that might have industry connections and such that would lead to lear jets and small Pacific or Caribbean islands... This is not quite what I am driving at. And of, course, the inevitable photo of an 8-way gangbang and a bucket of jizz will be posted sooner, rather than later. This is not quite what I am driving at, either.

Being a geek, of course, this information shared, would be for research purposes only. There is a pretty high probability (3rd std deviation, actually) that I would never, ever have a chance to utilize the data points collected.