whats with all the high school "i'm gonna kill myself" emo angst here lately? frankly, these people promise too much. and it cheapens us all.
@tatty: death by running engine in garage is somewhat of a myth since catalytic converters, they eliminate 99% of CO. it can be done but then that garage better be air tight so ambient oxygen doesn't replenish and starves the engine, dropping combustion efficiency and increasing CO output. that means you better pack a full tank of gas and a sack lunch because you're going to be there 8-10 hours+ going over your life's slideshow, and if we're talking Eric he'll sooner die of boredom.
let's face it, it's a bitch way to go out- i.e. Woody Allen or Ashton Kutcher found slumped in a Prius with three wine spritzer empties on the passenger seat: fine everyone expected that, but anyone else =
i'd much rather cash out my chips exploding a few somalian warlord skulls on day one and getting dragged through the streets ala black hawk down on day two. at least there's a perception of nobility to that.