
KJ (the guy from "strong acting skills" thread) & La'Rin Lane

Today was the worst day of my life RIP Sammi

May 31, 2009 my baby girl Samantha Hayden was born without a heartbeat at almost five and a half months pregnant. I carried you below my heart in my womb for five and half months with pure excitement and all the love in the world. I held you for as long as I could before they had to take you away to a better place. You had your dads nose and my hands and feet ( our long fingers and toes). I will never understand for one second what went wrong when we were told constantly you were a healthy growing baby with a strong heart and only had less then four months until we would meet you and you would join your dad and me!!! We had so many plans that invloved you and you brought so much joy to our entire families lives. Please know that I love you more then anything in life and dont know how to begin to get over this. The only thing I have to look forward to is the day I get to see you again and hold you in my arms in heaven!!!!!!!!