Yeah, she is an aquired taste, I'll grant you that. The first couple times I saw her were in one of Vince "Gawd I am so fucking cool, aren't I cool? I am soooo cool....." Voyeur's opus du splooge titled Taste it Don't Waste it #something-or-other. She definitely tasted, but ironically also looked wasted in a Stimulant-mixed-with-xanax kinda way. That only increased her compelling qualities in my fucked up mind...and the more I stared and hit rewind, the more she grew on me...

Now I am fixated...but I am dying to know just what she is like in person, as a person. Is she quiet, subdued, blah-zay, or is she introspective, intelligent and self-assured. Is she a bitch or is she a doll? I hope I run into her (but I must be careful not to run OVER her since she is so adorably tiny) at AEE/AVN in January...provided of course they still actually have a convention given the precarious state of the economy.

If my x-mas wishes come true, Madison Ivy will be a very sweet, lovable whore with a manageable drug habit, a wheelchair fetish and an attraction to men with above average IQs. Maybe Gia can hide in my closet and photgraph the whole encounter for my own private consumption

Wait, CONSUMPTION? That was ghey ... forget I typed that. I dont believe in Edit/delete.
Are you gonna eat that?