None of what you are about to read is bullshit. I am a whore-magnet. Some guys are pussy-magnets, others are bitch-magnets or even the dreaded man-magnet. I just happen to be a whore-magnet. I don't mean they hit me up for money 'cuz they know better. They do NOT smell money on me I assure you. I'm not sure what they're smellin' on me, but I am for some reason fashioned to be the yang side of the whore-yin. I mean this sincerely. From girlfriend one on down the line, 4 outta 5 of my girlfriends were, at some point, a whore. THEN I met Pretty. Queen Whore, without question. I can assure you that I know the "pimp" side of the coin, and Pretty is by far the best "product" I have yet to "push". I didn't know some were whores at first (they lie, you know) and oh, the adventures I've had and the fights I've been in because of it. It saddens me too, 'cuz I woulda probably tried to help them get more $$$ but they wanted to play games. Whatever. Whores are strange, beautiful, neccessary creatures in this world, and of all the whores I've known (it's more than 5) in all my years of whore-magnetry, Pretty knocks 'em all flat on their whore-ear.
-Keep It Dirty
...for the record, although #4 never went out and whored, I still soaked her for cash like a good musician would. I was the whore in that relationship.