
There is no getting around certain facts, Sasha is very cute and her willing performance as a whore ADDS to her appeal. Just Admit it guys....as a performer she is amazing, she TOTALLY understands what is at stake here and what the goal is: She is trying to produce a spectacle that will be saved and utilized by, literally, MILLIONS of men around the world for JERKING OFF purposes. Simple.

Sasha knows this and, to her credit in my opinion, actually WANTS to stand out in the minds of men everywhere who watchporn and jerk off.

Sasha, feel free to disagree, but I believe, based on your communication skills and other characteristics, that you are a DEEP THINKER when it comes to this whole subject of Porn, sex, filth, jerking off, etc. I believe that you GET off knowing that millions of men, who yuo have never met and never will meet, will stop what they are doing and thinking about and focus squarely and SOLELY on you and your porn scenes. They will blot out all other thought for 15-20 minutes and think ONLY of you and imagine that it is THEM doing these acts to you on film. They will whack themselves silly until they splooge, then its back to normal until the NEXT urge hits them and perhaps, they choose YOU again to help whack off.

Folks, THAT is subtle influence, power and even Immortality. Long after Sasha is gone, its possible MEN will still be yanking away to her film scenes.

Burg ... You always find a way to make a filthy little porn whore blush. You are too kind. I do consider myself a deep thinker. Not in a fancy way but more of a "What can I do to make these guys come harder and faster" kind of way. It's really important to me, that the material I put out there is truly stroke worthy. I see so much boring dead eyes porn and it really bums me out.

But then again, it is just porn. I do nothing more then fuck for money and all I can do is hope that it makes some one's jerk fest a little more exciting then normal.


Edited by Sasha Knox (11/21/09 12:44 PM)