JM Productions is in violation of California Labor Laws
Posted September 17, 2009 by Darrah Ford
Categories: Jeff Steward, Jim Powers, Johnny Thrust, Porn News, Porn Star, Tanner Mayes, Tony Malice

Someone sent this in. Thank you!


You might want to point out that Tony Malice is trying to obfuscate matters (saying that Jim Powers shoots for several companies besides JM Productions). The fact remains that the “Tanner Mays Meltdown” video that Tony Malice posted online was shot on the set of a “Lesbian Bukkake” movie. On that set alcohol was furnished to Tanner Mays, et al and, furthermore, that that “Lesbian Bukkake” movie was being shot by Jim Powers specifically for JM Productions (of which Tony Malice is an employee).

If Tanner Mays were to employ a competent attorney, he/she should easily be able to make mincemeat of JM Productions, Jim Powers, and Tony Malice. Unfortunately, most girls in the industry never follow through in such matters.

He did NOT claim that the infamous “Meltdown” video occurred on any set other then a JM Productions shoot. However, he is attempting to cloud the issue by saying Jim Powers shoots for various other companies and, by doing this, he is trying (mis)lead people to believe that any wrong doing done by Jim Powers (on the “Lesbian Bukkake” shoot where Tanner’s “Meltdown” occurred) had nothing to do with JM Productions.

You may further point out that if JM Productions or Jim Powers did indeed dock Tanner’s paycheck for breaking the computer monitor (as she claims in her interview) doing so would be in violation of California Labor laws.

Legally, they would have had to pay Tanner in full and then sue her to recover the cost of the damage she is alleged to have done (if any) to the monitor.