Was a good stroke mag at one time
by D.U.C. (send email to D.U.C.)
Seth Mnookin writes for MSNBC.com: July 18 — Penthouse Magazine, long a staple of adolescent fantasies and a favorite topic of discussion for Howard Stern, could soon be disappearing from the publishing world. What’s more, by next week Penthouse founder Bob Guccione could lose his fabled Penthouse Mansion, a century-old residence that is one of the largest private homes in Manhattan.
PENTHOUSE EMPLOYEES ON Friday received only 25 percent of their usual salaries, according to several employees at the company. And Kennedy Funding, a commercial real-estate lender, is planning on foreclosing on the mansion on Tuesday, according to Joseph Wolfer, Kennedy’s founder and principal. Meanwhile, employees and the magazine advertising community are questioning whether the once high-flying skin magazine will ever publish again.