I had the most random of occurances sneak up outta nowhere on me the other day. I was driving through Vail bumpin' some 5 by Lenny Kravitz (fuck you, don't judge. I needed a break from the Slipknot) and one of the "slow jamz" came on. Half way through the jam I realized that I was suddenly so very horny, and rockin' full schwing. WTF?! I've been a musician now for well over 15 years, and it's always added to the mood, but never created it. Of course I have a list of preferential fuck jamz, but this was a first. The fucking SONG made me horny?! Again I say WTF?! So my question then, aside from the obvious "WTF is wrong with me?", is...

has this happened to you? What song/artist was it? Why do you think this "phenomina" occurs? Ladies, of course I want your input more-so than the rest. What music/song/artist/recording gets yur juices flowing?

-Keep It Dirty

...now, who wants to come over and spin some records?
"...The "friend" of Pretty that Dirty finger blasted in church school..." -Lou Cypher