


Please kill this fucking thread. The bitch got busted in San Diego last week hooking on Big Doggie.Who the fuck would spend $25 bucks for her is out out their fucking mind.

I'm posting only because I was pointed out to this statement ....

I could careless if you kill the thread or not, however, anyone that believes that statement is a complete fucking idiot. First of all , I don't escort ... the closest thing I do to escorting is shooting with my fans for my site. If you ever find one escorting review on me I'd love to see it. Second of all , I've never been to San Diego in my life jackass. I live in Ohio !

Hey Tia,

I didn't mean to try and upset you, I was mearly pointing out what I read.

Hope we are cool....

Of course we are sweety .... i appreciate you pointing it out to me. Didn't upset me .... just didn't appreciate the comment that was made so I replied.