

no offense, but do we need 17 threads about this average whore?

grow up man ... I didn't ask for a second thread

actually, I wasn't speaking to you, average whore. I was talking to the guy who started the thread. Please go right on ahead and spam the board up with your dopey posts, and make sure you post 5 times in a row too, that's a lot of fun.

btw, I've had pan-faced slant eyed won-ton bitches much hotter than you suck me off at Ginja Spa in Stamford back in high school. You look like every other 'asian' whore that's come around the porno world. But you know that, that's why you do as many vile dp's and lord knows what else on film that you do, since most chinks and gooks aren't doing that shit. I wouldn't fuck you with Redgoat's dick. I've never been angry enough at my dick to let it get near you. Oh, also, when doing any kind of anal scene, clean your fucking shitbox. Noone wants to see dukie back there.

Stick around if you want to add to the board, but if you are just a self promoting whore constantly, try twitter
You just want to do a scene with me, so I'll make you look straight. - Gia Jordan to Stevie Why?