
Hey, if you think I look like a transsexual that's cool - my look works well for me - sorry that I remind you of the she-male you got tricked into going home with the other night - they're pretty good at fooling guys now days, especially ones who rarely get laid.

I suggest you stick with the "barely legal" type of girl. Beta male losers such as yourself Geek, tend to be more comfortable with and do better dating women who are borderline pre-pubescent - you know kind of like the japanimation characters that you jacked off too before you found porn.

Bottom line is I am simply too much woman for you to EVER deal with and it scares you to death, yet fascinates you at the same time.

A real grown woman who's for real men, not boys who like little girls. NOW I will leave here for today while Geek trolls that chat rooms for 15 year olds.

nice legs