


Looks like Sergio (Suarez):


He's Brazilian. NO FUCKING WONDER. He's one of those "white" Brazilians with mostly Euro-Portuguese blood. They think they are better than everyone else and look down on the Afro-Brazilians as well as any black persons in general.

Many Brazilian Latina's of this ilk are dodgers. Examples: Donna Doll, Paola Rey. Big time IR avoiders.

I fucked one of those "white" Brazilians a few years ago. She actually had German ancestry so she was like super white. Blond hair, blue eyes, tight pussy, etc. There was no dodging of any sort. She even let me cum inside her. Oh, never mind, I'm white.

Why do YOU PEOPLE get so bent when a white girl won't fuck you?

Do you rally in support of the chinks, sand niggers(i.e. dune coons,) and wogs when a nice Aryan princess won't allow herself to be soiled by their filth?

How come you people don't whine like bitches when sand niggers, chinks, and wogs won't break you off a piece?

Fact of the matter is that American Blacks are all mixed with whites to a certain degree. They've done a study on it.
Honestly what makes an Nigglet cute or attractive is how much their features are most White. Small noses, lighter skin, "good hair". In fact the examples given here as "cute"(aside from Clyde"I'm cute") are those of recent mixed ancestry.

The majority of blacks of salve ancestry are mongrels and more often than not grotesques. I ask you to go to Detroit, or rural Mississippi, Houston, or any "dark territory" is almost impossible to distinguish what are male and female features in those apes.

However most Pure blooded Africans have elegant looking features. Go to Ethiopia, South Africa, Nigeria, Ect...

There is a big difference.