Good questions, indeed. Nicely done.

@cameroon keeys


5. Do family members know or care that you are an adult entertainer?
Cameron: only my younger brother knows,and he disowned me when he found out

You're a really straightforward girl. Not.


8. Do you plan on performing in adult scenes far into the future or is this more or less a hobby for a little nest egg?
Cameron: I plan on performing until it gets boring or people stop wanting to see me..whichever comes first!

It has been boring for me since day 1. And I don't want to see you. Not now, not in the future.


9. Would you do a scene with a male performer, even though he says he has a clean test, knowing he has in the past done scenes with other males and transgendered individuals and has also participated in off-camera hijinks with the same kind of people?
Cameron: thats a tough one. I love and fully support gays..but, realistically I know that HIV is higher for gay male porn talent. MUCH higher. So no,I would probably not shoot with anyone unless they had not had any gay contact for at least a year and tested clean that whole time.

Double standards. But that ain't news.
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.