
However, What most of the jackasses that post about my boob job looking bad , well, thats from child birth ... lol ..

ah, you're a mommy. That's cool. Me2. I feel like asking about labor and vaginal delivery. Assuming you have had both; I am very fortunate to not have experienced either, twice. But you don't have to answer if you don't want to. (I ask EVERYONE who's had kids.)

K. Q's:

does it hurt? suck?

did you poo during the birth? (sorry, couldn't resist. blame "15 & Pregnant", lifetime movie.)

I don't know how old you are, but is it true chicks get hornier and sluttier with age? I gathered than from your anal/fantasies response.

"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend