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#442805 - 08/17/09 07:50 AM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 01/08/08
Posts: 554
Loc: Wash D.C.
These threads give me a headache, and an overwhelming desire to skull-fuck Electro into a tear stained mess.
"I don’t want to live in a world where a man won’t cum on my face."
-Holly Randall
#442807 - 08/17/09 11:36 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
I'm OK with being a creepy old guy
never said you were old, but thanks for giving that info up. old, gay and creepy, you're quite the catch. an old gay creep disagreeing with what I post isn't exactly discouraging. thanks nate, carry on, you're doing well.
what is it like being a fat creepy young guy who worships some alt porn idol?
more fat guy posts? is monkey your adviser? remember, if you don't control the gay fatty fetish the gay fatty fetish will control you. as far as my attraction to "quinne" it's called heterosexuality, I don't expect you to understand. given your avatar, a passionate love of black men is another reason you and monkey are kindred spirits. heh, now I understand the connection. hi5, amirite?
LOL OMG >>>f U do hav XS skin king wud U considR don8ing it 2 burn victims. Also, Im k w bn a creepy old guy bt wot iz it lIk bn a F@ creepy yung guy hu worships som alt porn idol?o OMG!
perfect! failectro wholeheartedly endorsing this is better than anything I can hope to post to criticize it. thanks strpwreddie. lol, you're reinforcing my point and don't even know it.
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey
#442809 - 08/18/09 12:41 AM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
#442810 - 08/18/09 01:11 AM
D bags that kall themselves K1ng...
Gay For Pay
Registered: 08/30/07
Posts: 1045
Loc: Putting the POW in powerbottom...
What kind of fucking douche bag calls him self "KING" anyways.....pretty high opinion of your self there fuckwad.....does your big fat fucking head get stuck in door ways? It probably looks like Ted Kennedy's after a 5 day bender.
never said you were old, but thanks for giving that info up. old, gay and creepy, you're quite the catch. an old gay creep disagreeing with what I post isn't exactly discouraging. thanks nate, carry on, you're doing well.
Yep Im old..pushing 4ty.. Im gay... bt Im pritE suR I'd kick yor ass f I eva met U K1ng...then I'll mAk U my gf. ur problE so loose ther alredi frm aL d ass raping U git... it not jst on line..
U twink...
432280-crazy.jpg (5 downloads)
Edited by Nathanial Mayweather (08/18/09 01:16 AM)
#442811 - 08/18/09 01:47 AM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
#442815 - 08/18/09 02:02 AM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
I miss Lou.
LouCypher <3
L  uCypher <3
I'm feeling a little withdrawn.  Anyway, goodnight, k1ng.
Goodn1ght. <3
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#442816 - 08/18/09 02:06 AM
Re: D bags that kall themselves K1ng...
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
#442817 - 08/18/09 02:08 AM
Re: D bags that kall themselves K1ng...
Gay For Pay
Registered: 08/30/07
Posts: 1045
Loc: Putting the POW in powerbottom...
What kind of fucking douche bag calls him self "KING" anyways.....pretty high opinion of your self there fuckwad.....does your big fat fucking head get stuck in door ways? It probably looks like Ted Kennedy's after a 5 day bender.
Im gna dream of meating U knocking U d fk out dressing u ^ & (_!_) raping U k1ng...
although fantasizing bout f'n 3:o) lIk U kills my cred az a homo
Edited by Nathanial Mayweather (08/18/09 02:12 AM)
#442818 - 08/18/09 02:23 AM
Re: D bags that kall themselves K1ng...
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
more gay posts from nate. what a surprise.
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey
#442819 - 08/18/09 02:36 AM
Re: D bags that kall themselves K1ng...
Gay For Pay
Registered: 08/30/07
Posts: 1045
Loc: Putting the POW in powerbottom...
more gay posts from nate. what a surprise.
weL evry 1 of yor post iz az f RitN by a 3:o) teen n a britelE colorfully p8ntD r%m w rainbows & unicorns aL bout..s U profeS U R hetROsXUL thN.. I cn nevr top U 4 gayness...
Edited by Nathanial Mayweather (08/18/09 02:37 AM)
#442820 - 08/18/09 06:20 AM
Re: D bags that kall themselves K1ng...
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 05/18/09
Posts: 890
Loc: Midwest / Florida
Paperchase is a cunt
I want to Bust a nut in that bitches right eye
#442821 - 08/18/09 09:00 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...
I vote for attempting to get 'failectro' accepted as part of the xpt lexicon.
another winner, lol. as the reigning worst poster of xpt, and an expert, it's embarrassing that the only post more fail than that is a "."
How was you call what I posted a joke?
I'm sorry, what? here, let's make sure you keep your xpt cred, I'll help you out again. I'll post the same fail again "." whew, you're still the best, disaster averted. thank me later.
I hope you pay willie royalties for the rights to his defense
you're surprised that more than one person is uncomfortable with your fat man ass fetish you keep posting about? wtf, nate and monkey are the blind leading the blind.
Razor sharp and it only took k1ng 27 minutes to create. 
Im gay
I totally support your right to marry your boyfriend if your gay love gets to that point, nate. let us know.
Can always count on k1ng to deliver a jay leno like bull rush to a painfully brooke hoganish response.
three days and you're already my bitch. that was easier than I expected. welcome back, lol.
it bears repeating, "clueless" is more than a movie from the 90's
Yes because god knows it wasn't cutting enough the first time
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis
#442822 - 08/18/09 11:23 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
more fail logic from monkey '04. I'm the worst poster in the history of xpt yet xpt's iconic savior can't stop posting about me or stop responding to what I say? it's called forethought, try it. also, if you're going to resurrect more low post count alts to join the fray please make them less obvious than nate gayflower. keep up the good work tho, I'm sure you'll turn the tide some day. dismissed. again.
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey
#442823 - 08/19/09 10:41 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...
more fail logic from monkey '04. I'm the worst poster in the history of xpt yet xpt's iconic savior can't stop posting about me or stop responding to what I say? it's called forethought, try it. also, if you're going to resurrect more low post count alts to join the fray please make them less obvious than nate gayflower. keep up the good work tho, I'm sure you'll turn the tide some day. dismissed. again.
So basically what you wrote above was the following
failmonkey04= does this mean that I haven't been good since 2004 OR thats the last time you liked me, or something else, please explain what you mean by this. I just fail (winks) to find the relevance (winks and points) of the insult or if it is even an insult to begin with, I mean its all very subjective, one man's fail(ure) is another man's success, right?
You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you.: Of course I can't, this is xpt where we focus on the worst, im not sure what board you are apart of but what threads are the most popular? Jenna Jameson avn award winner threads or tanner mayes taking a dump on tony mallice's car? XPT is a place for the worst to shine, why do you think Brandon, ryan knox, eric who, yourself (k1ng) and yours truly are among the most well known here? I certainly don't focus my attention on sammura because she's the most attractive/best performing star in the biz, same rules apply.
I think Nate is much brighter than me, and my posting style tends to stay pretty close to home throughout all my alts, and its not like I would I need an alt to voice my opinion about you k1ng.
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis
#442824 - 08/20/09 12:12 AM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
lol, sweet! did the worst poster in the history of xpt cause bitchy munkey to get all uppity and serious in the cage today? 2-e-z? don't feel threatened or let your iconic xpt status weigh you down homegirl the lemmings are still here to adore you, rest assured. you are epic, this place will 180 on the back of your posts immediately I'm sure. I'm a believer! rescue us.
this is xpt where we focus on the worst
logic fail? again? "we" "focus" on munkey too, no?
quick, add an addendum to include the prodigal son munkey to the "worst poster" thread.
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey
#442827 - 08/21/09 10:35 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
"A rat king is a rare phenomenon arising in rats. A number of rats become intertwined at the tails, and are joined with blood, dirt, and excrement. Consequently, the animals grow together, joined at the tails, which are often broken. The phenomenon is particularly associated with Germany, where the majority of instances have been located."
This thread is a rat king.
433358-King.jpg (8 downloads)
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#442828 - 08/22/09 12:07 AM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer
Registered: 04/11/08
Posts: 1265
tritone. For obvious reasons.
Rear Admiral:
"If one of these whores gets herpes from me, then so be it."
"Next for me: trannies."
"This fucking jackass needs to show a recent Herpes test or go back to Canada." - BigDickDaddy
#442832 - 08/22/09 02:32 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 11/22/08
Posts: 857
Loc: Northeast US
People who post in ALL CAPS.
Sorry, had to. I never know if they're yelling.
You just want to do a scene with me, so I'll make you look straight. - Gia Jordan to Stevie Why?
#442833 - 08/22/09 06:13 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 14160
Loc: NYC
The other day, a deaf fan myspaced me in all caps.
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K
#442834 - 08/22/09 07:56 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 08/11/09
Posts: 21
off yerself ye dumbscum junkie sack of shit!
#442836 - 09/12/09 07:56 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Gag Factor Guru
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/05
Posts: 5290
Loc: Dayton
Darrah and Coke, but,  Frankie Figgs is going for the worst alt title now. -Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
#442837 - 09/12/09 08:10 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 11/04/05
Posts: 3509
Loc: Pit of Despair
Frankie Figgs is a ball licker. Lousy poster no matter how you look at him....even his sig is pure faggotry.
Fap, Fap, Fap
#442839 - 09/12/09 09:21 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/30/09
Posts: 7671
Loc: paizuri,pizza,poodles,photo
i think of the past and how the future isnt how i imagined it,but the past is exactly where i unraveled it.excuses for failed attempts, gained another one i used a noose it’s not until you fall apart you see the screws are loose-cage
#442840 - 09/12/09 10:43 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
Frankie Figgs is a ball licker. Lousy poster no matter how you look at him....even his sig is pure faggotry.
If you use firefox it's pretty easy to block his signature picture. (And all the other ads but we don't talk about that).
#442841 - 09/13/09 12:07 AM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/06
Posts: 4470
Speaking of sigs, Bornyo, there is no god. When are you going to learn that?
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron
#442844 - 09/13/09 11:24 AM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/06
Posts: 4470
Bornyos life is much more fulfilling then yours, so although god pisses on you Eric, he does manage to smile at others such as bornyo.
But is it?
How can something "piss on me" if it doesn't exist? Put the bong down, primate.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron
#442846 - 09/13/09 02:37 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
eric claiming to be an atheist to get a reaction is sooo 1970s. If you really want to rile people up claim to be a republican.
#442847 - 09/13/09 03:57 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/06
Posts: 4470
I was raised Roman Catholic, Bornyo. Having religion forced upon me growing up was enough to say, "Enough of this bullshit". If you think I do it to "gain a reaction", you're the fool.
But I know how you southern folks roll. Fer fucksake, I couldn't drive .25 miles through Mississippi last week without seeing "Jesus is Lord" or "Church of the thirteen & a half donkey cocks where Mary committed beastiality on a alter of Satan"....'er something like that. Whatever floats your boat, it's all fake to me.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron
#442850 - 09/13/09 05:30 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
I was raised Roman Catholic, Bornyo. Having religion forced upon me growing up was enough to say, "Enough of this bullshit". If you think I do it to "gain a reaction", you're the fool.
But I know how you southern folks roll. Fer fucksake, I couldn't drive .25 miles through Mississippi last week without seeing "Jesus is Lord" or "Church of the thirteen & a half donkey cocks where Mary committed beastiality on a alter of Satan"....'er something like that. Whatever floats your boat, it's all fake to me.
Don't worry. It is a Southern thing to TALK about religion, not to actually ACT religious. Just show up to Church on Sunday morning and occasionally brag to your co-workers and neighbors how religious you are and you can sexually molest children, cheat on your wife, do drugs, sell drugs, lynch niggers, cheat in business, lie, cheat, and steal all week long, no problem.
Understand this about Southern Culture and you've got it made.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#442851 - 09/13/09 05:45 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
I was raised Roman Catholic, Bornyo. Having religion forced upon me growing up was enough to say, "Enough of this bullshit". If you think I do it to "gain a reaction", you're the fool.
But I know how you southern folks roll. Fer fucksake, I couldn't drive .25 miles through Mississippi last week without seeing "Jesus is Lord" or "Church of the thirteen & a half donkey cocks where Mary committed beastiality on a alter of Satan"....'er something like that. Whatever floats your boat, it's all fake to me.
Don't worry. It is a Southern thing to TALK about religion, not to actually ACT religious. Just show up to Church on Sunday morning and occasionally brag to your co-workers and neighbors how religious you are and you can sexually molest children, cheat on your wife, do drugs, sell drugs, lynch niggers, cheat in business, lie, cheat, and steal all week long, no problem.
Understand this about Southern Culture and you've got it made.
I really enjoyed that. It kinda made me like you a little bit. More like this and less like a squealing like a lab rat on estrogen. Thanks in advance.
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend
#442854 - 09/13/09 08:02 PM
Re: Who is the Worst Poster in XPT History
Please. It's hardly just the southerners who are hypocrites about religion. Or Americars, for that matter. And I can't recall anyone but L_ke F_rd or Shelly ever really prosthelytizing around here. Let it go, already.
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