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#442346 - 08/20/09 10:21 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild
so .... you got nothing?
Tell you what, I'm going to sleep now - you spend the next few hours looking for an alternate version of the bill from a gov't source - not one Rush Limbaugh's producer faked up.
You're all still alive?
#442347 - 08/20/09 11:20 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
So there's only one bill and one version and it doesn't change? You know nothing about how government works. Why are you trying to have this argument? Because you support the bill or because you think illegal wetbacks are good for the country? Brilliant!
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#442348 - 08/21/09 06:35 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild
Goodmorning darling! How'd you sleep?
With all these bills you say are floating around, surely you can find the text of one of them that talks about undocumented aliens. [Lou]AMIRITE?[/Lou].
I guess it was just a bluff floated on hot air.
Keep looking, snookums.
You're all still alive?
#442349 - 08/21/09 08:14 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 07/19/07
Posts: 470
Loc: NY
Even if it is excluded from the bill (which it won't because of the huge Latino lobby) once so called immigration reform (ammensty) passes, the illegals will reenter the country and jump on the free health care bandwagon. Then where are we?
We can't handle all the health care problems in this country and now we have to fix Mexico's too? I heard this morning on Dylan Ratigans program that Mexico now allows it's citizens legal possession of any drug - but after the third incident you have to enter treatment. Right.
#442352 - 08/21/09 05:52 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
This thread only concerns Americans and spic invaders. Get lost. Go molest a boy or find an American to thank for our saving Europe from the Nazis and Soviets.
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#442354 - 08/21/09 10:53 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Internet Tough Guy
Registered: 01/26/09
Posts: 898
sometimes people ask me if I'm hispanic
#442355 - 08/21/09 11:17 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
#442356 - 08/21/09 11:20 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
What are Vegas' odds for the Jews against La Raza?
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#442358 - 08/22/09 08:05 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
Home Team: Jews, Hispanics, pornographers, Obama, Henry Waxman, blacks, Democrats, the educated, abortionists, vegans, Russia espied from Sarah Palin's back yard, France, Germany, a maximum 40% tax rate, arugula.
Away Team: Repugs, Coke, Fox News, teabaggers, militia, neo-brown shirts shouting at town halls, Sam Walton's heirs, health insurance CEOs, terror and/or fear, a maximum 35% tax rate, Tom Delay Dancing with the Stars, hypocrisy, strip malls, degree mills, yachts, gated communities.
Vegas says pick 'em.
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#442359 - 08/22/09 09:28 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Gunker's team:
ACLU defenders of NAMBLA, ACORN, ACT UP, ELF, Barney Fwank, Harvey Firestein, William Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, Rev Wright, Quanell X, Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg, loyal Democrat and Soviet spy Alger Hiss, the pioneers of gender reassignment surgery, loyal Democrat ward captain John Wayne Gacy, Andrea Dworkin, Elton John, Rosie O'Donnell, Emma Goldman, Michael Moore, Liberace, Rupaul, Ted "the swimmer" Kennedy, Monica Lewinsky, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow
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#442360 - 08/23/09 04:42 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
^^ Fail
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.
#442361 - 08/23/09 07:58 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
^^ boy lover
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#442363 - 08/23/09 11:04 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
Coke, opinion article in Las Vegas Review Journal this week about 80 "known" illegals getting weekly emergency kidney dialysis to the tune of $2M a month. So the good people of Clark County are picking up the tab for these 80 people almost $25M a year. Pretty fucked up...... pretty pissed about it especially since I still own property there.
There is no such thing as "weekly emergency kidney dialysis".
No, don't bother to post a link to some article written by a functionally retarded local small town reporter who doesn't know what they are talking about, I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that is what was printed in their newspaper, it is still wrong.
What the article meant was; undocumented aliens with no health insurance who's kidney's are failing need weekly dialysis. The only way to get said dialysis is to show up at the emergency room where they will receive said dialysis since the hospital will not turn them away no matter their ability to pay. I saw the same thing in San Diego where a friend of mine was an emergency room doc at Coronado Hospital. Like clockwork almost nightly illegal alien about to deliver a newborn shows up in the emergency room where the hospital delivers the child for free and costs are eaten by the local government. This is all wrong, how to fix it is difficult, but it is still wrong.
I know what they meant but you don't get dialysis by walking into an emergency room. Hemodialysis is not performed weekly. Emergency hemodialysis is a specific term with a specific meaning and used for very specific conditions (also not used on a weekly basis).
Most likely the article was pure fabricated bullshit. Either that or the writer was monumentally stupid and understood absolutely nothing about the topic they were writing about. If they couldn't make the point without all the exaggerated hyperbole, maybe they didn't feel very confident in their point?
When people ask me to ignore all those pesky little incorrect facts and details that they got wrong and just go along with the "Big Picture", I have to call bullshit and walk away. Are you REALLY willing to excuse the fact that they were wrong about all those pesky little details just because you want to agree with the point they were trying to make?
If you don't believe me, call your friend in San Diego and ask him how many people (illegal alien or American citizen, with or without health insurance) he has ever dialyzed in the ER.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#442364 - 08/23/09 09:42 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild
In my experience, the "huge Latino Lobby" has mixed feelings about the undocumented aliens - remember, they don't vote or donate money to PACs
You're all still alive?
#442365 - 08/24/09 12:51 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
Gunker's team:
ACLU defenders of NAMBLA, ACORN, ACT UP, ELF, Barney Fwank, Harvey Firestein, William Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, Rev Wright, Quanell X, Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg, loyal Democrat and Soviet spy Alger Hiss, the pioneers of gender reassignment surgery, loyal Democrat ward captain John Wayne Gacy, Andrea Dworkin, Elton John, Rosie O'Donnell, Emma Goldman, Michael Moore, Liberace, Rupaul, Ted "the swimmer" Kennedy, Monica Lewinsky, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow
I think Gacy was a Repug, believing in the free market of "survival of the fittest" violently-repressed homosexuality, and clown portraiture...
Coke, your accumulation of Latina transsexuals in your basement pales in comparison to Gacy...
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#442367 - 08/24/09 07:22 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
It's threads like this where I miss Chico Traveiso the most.
#442368 - 05/11/10 01:42 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
UCLA professor calls for wetback revolution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGqPo5ofk0sTo sum up: Los Angeles is on stolen land in occupied Mexico; borders are lies; capitalism is the real enemy; authoritarian commies like Hugo Chavez and Castro are cool dudes; 40 million latinos north of the Rio Grande are the northern front of a revolution which is feared by "frail racist white people"
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#442369 - 05/11/10 06:26 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Gag Factor Guru
Porn Jesus
Registered: 07/15/05
Posts: 5290
Loc: Dayton
What in the hell do Whites have to be "proud" about?
Until 500 years ago, the Northern European cracker was the most savage, backwards, inferior beast in existence.
While great civilizations were thriving in the Americas, Asia, India, the Middle East, and ofcourse Africa, the Nordic White "Master race" were running around in the hills of Scandinavia, raping, looting, massacring, and eating each other like the animalistic beasts that they are.
The only places of Europe to become civilized were Greece and Italy, due to their close proximity to Africa and the Middle East. Indeed, much of what is thought of as Greco-Roman law, philosophy,writing, science, and government was inspired by earlier developments in Persia, Babylonia, Pheonicia, and Egypt, none of whom were "White", despite what you cracker nationalists may claim.
African Glory, Argue With Everyone
This country will need to reach rock bottom before any revolution takes place. The question is , will there be enough white people left to fight off the hordes of billions of non-whites. Im afraid tactical nukes and a near complete annihilation of all humaniod life on the surface may be the only answer. Our kind must remain safe inside an underground bunker as we devistate the surface above. Like bug bombing your roach infested kitchen. If there are too many non-whites to fight off conventionally , than nukes are the only option. Unless of course we invent an ethnically engineered bio weapon that attacks certain biological differences in non-whites. The second revolutionary war could be a very clean process of us just standing back and watching the non-whites drop like flies. We would be like " sorry mr. n****r ,but we have no idea why your skin cells are liquifing and desolving away, god must be angry with you". Anyway the revolution #2 is fought , either the hard way or the easy way, one thing is certain, WE BETTER FUCKING WIN !!!
-SEAN K98, ZOG's Nightmare
Damn, this is easy.
-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
482118-barack-obama-obamacare.jpg (8 downloads)
#442370 - 05/11/10 10:22 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
What in the hell do Whites have to be "proud" about?
Until 500 years ago, the Northern European cracker was the most savage, backwards, inferior beast in existence.
While great civilizations were thriving in the Americas, Asia, India, the Middle East, and ofcourse Africa, the Nordic White "Master race" were running around in the hills of Scandinavia, raping, looting, massacring, and eating each other like the animalistic beasts that they are.
The only places of Europe to become civilized were Greece and Italy, due to their close proximity to Africa and the Middle East. Indeed, much of what is thought of as Greco-Roman law, philosophy,writing, science, and government was inspired by earlier developments in Persia, Babylonia, Pheonicia, and Egypt, none of whom were "White", despite what you cracker nationalists may claim.
African Glory, Argue With Everyone
This country will need to reach rock bottom before any revolution takes place. The question is , will there be enough white people left to fight off the hordes of billions of non-whites. Im afraid tactical nukes and a near complete annihilation of all humaniod life on the surface may be the only answer. Our kind must remain safe inside an underground bunker as we devistate the surface above. Like bug bombing your roach infested kitchen. If there are too many non-whites to fight off conventionally , than nukes are the only option. Unless of course we invent an ethnically engineered bio weapon that attacks certain biological differences in non-whites. The second revolutionary war could be a very clean process of us just standing back and watching the non-whites drop like flies. We would be like " sorry mr. n****r ,but we have no idea why your skin cells are liquifing and desolving away, god must be angry with you". Anyway the revolution #2 is fought , either the hard way or the easy way, one thing is certain, WE BETTER FUCKING WIN !!!
-SEAN K98, ZOG's Nightmare
Damn, this is easy.
-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
Not sure who you arguing with or why that jibberish you posted is supposed to be related to previous posts. Are you arguing with the voices in your head that are supposed to represent all conservatives? Maybe senility is setting in old timer. Be sure to make a will so your loser AA friends get your shitty $3000 camper and rockin' 1995 Subaru. Your furniiture will make good firewood for a cold family.
"You have been banned from making any new posts or sending private messages. The reason for this ban is: meh, cause i can"
#442377 - 07/10/10 12:23 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer
Registered: 04/11/08
Posts: 1265
Coke's outrage is really gonna change the landscape of Society. It's truly original, and I'm surprised nobody has thought of this earlier.
Rear Admiral:
"If one of these whores gets herpes from me, then so be it."
"Next for me: trannies."
"This fucking jackass needs to show a recent Herpes test or go back to Canada." - BigDickDaddy
#442379 - 08/12/10 01:06 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
The GOP controlled all three branches of the Federal Government between January 2003 and January 2007 and what did they accomplish to stem the tide of illegal immigration? If they win control of Congress one can rest assured that the populist rhetoric will disappear and the low-wage loving moneyed interests and their lobbyist mouthpieces will convince the new GOP leadership not to do anything effective on this issue. One ought to remember that term limitations was part of the COntract with America. How did that work out?
#442384 - 08/13/10 05:15 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
it IS a bottom up issue, and the Republicans are using it for all that it is worth. One would have to be quite a rube not to understand that the Republicans will ultimately bow to the wishes of their donor base, and their donor base loves cheap labor provided by illegal immigrants. Remember that the Contract with America included term limits, which were never enacted by that "revolutionary" Republican CONgress elected back in '94. The Republican trick is being played out again. Hope that folks with good common sense don't fall for it this time.
#442387 - 08/13/10 11:13 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Still waiting for anyone to address the issue of whether the Republicans are any more sincere than the Democrats on the illegal immigration issue.
From one Who fan to another:
#442388 - 08/13/10 11:23 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Excellent to see the late Keith Moon (RIP) at the drums again.
#442390 - 09/08/10 12:52 AM
Re: Wetback Corner
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 08/28/09
Posts: 79
Loc: Nevada, USA
latimes Police fire at least 2 volleys of non-lethal projectiles during protest over police shooting September 7, 2010 | 9:46 pm Los Angeles police Tuesday night fired at least two volleys of nonlethal projectiles at crowds near 6th Street and Union Avenue in Westlake as people protested the fatal shooting of a man who officers said was threatening them and passersby with a switch-blade Sunday afternoon. Police used bullhorns to declare an unlawful assembly around 9:30 p.m., and some in the crowd hurled rocks and bottles in the direction of officers. The demonstrators, including families with children, bolted down the street and into alleyways as the nonlethal shots were fired. During the ruckus, witnesses said, a man fell off his bicycle and struck his head. The 20-year-old, Jesus Alejandro Hernandez Carmona, was lying on the ground and bleeding profusely from the left side of his head. He was near a candle-lighted memorial to Jamines. Carmona was surrounded by a crowd, which was bookended by police lined up along 6th and Union on the east and Burlington Avenue on the west. Los Angeles Fire Department ambulances were at the scene but were not crossing the police line. When asked by a reporter why the man was not receiving medical attention, a police commander said, “Tough.” Several people, meanwhile, were shouting angrily into loudspeakers and a group of young men are weaving through the crowd on bicycles. A vendor hawked bags of potato chips. Vitalina Rubio, 52, had looked on with disappointment earlier as protesters hurled eggs at police cars. “You can't fight violence with violence,” said Rubio, a Mexican immigrant who has lived in the MacArthur Park area for nine years. Earlier in the evening, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck defended the officers' actions during Sunday's incident, saying they made the best decision possible after Jamines repeatedly refused commands to drop the 6-inch knife. These dirty Mexicans are actually trying to riot. Why isn’t the INS down here picking up these dirty smelly fucks? Where in the fuck is ICE? These disease carrying, job taking, child raping, grass cutting, Tecate drinking, stinky, worthless, lazy, flat headed, 18 people living in a two bedroom house having,breeding like rabbits spiggers.
#442391 - 09/08/10 12:50 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
Scum hispanic protesters egg LA police station. For some reason they're upset that a worthless knife-wielding illegal is dead. Time to break out the mustard gas!:
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#442392 - 09/08/10 08:41 PM
Re: Wetback Corner
Tranny Whisperer
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/02/03
Posts: 9221
Scum hispanic protesters egg LA police station. For some reason they're upset that a worthless knife-wielding illegal is dead. Time to break out the mustard gas!:
They should've burned that police station to the ground.
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