Eric, while I'm still quite sure you are a tool, I can appreciate your honesty so I won't shit on you here.
The only way you'll get better with real actual girls, is to practice. Yeah, you will hear no, but sometimes they might suprise you.
Rejection sucks. It's something that is totally depressing & unless a chance is taken, you get nowhere. Been there too often, prefer to avoid it. Sounds emo, I know, but I'm not much of a risk taker when it comes to relationships. I have a very shallow comfort zone.
As for "friends", Gia, I don't really hang out with anyone. I go to shows, eyeball a chick or two - maybe even buy her a drink as the night goes on, but usually avoid the letdown of meaningless conversation or that she's already hooked up. I'm going to a Jackyl concert tomorrow night with a coworker (ya, I know, another 80's band), but we've never hung out before. He's originally from FW, but just moved back after living in the B'more area for a couple years.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron