
Stop trying to act tough. The real Eric is the crying, calling a chick who don't want him 300 times a day, waiting around the corner when she's done fucking 3 dudes for cash on or off the set, aching to take some pipe in the shitter kind of fag.

Sounds like widdle Smow-key gots a poopie in his diaper. Anyone wanna help him wipe, or change it so that nasty rash doesn't infect his brain any further?

And I'm the stalker, eh PoleSmokey? Har-har. I could break you in half, regardless how much of a tough guy you envision me as, or lack thereof. I shit corn chunks bigger than your keyboard warrior persona.

Newflash douchebag. Eric isn't butthurt about getting laid, Eric doesn't care about losing or acquiring another porn whore. Know your role, bitch, and stop assuming mine.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron