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#441478 - 08/10/09 12:01 AM anyone else a little unsettled by this?
k1ng Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
it's inevitable that this thread will turn partisan once coke joins in, however, am I the only one disturbed by the fact that president obama and the whitehouse are urging americans to snitch on their neighbors if they disagree with the one's healthcare plan?


If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag[at]whitehouse[dot]gov

official whitehouse blog

why does the aclu defend nambla boylovers, yet they seem quiet on this?

430511-200px-GeoreOrwell.jpg (19 downloads)

"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey

#441479 - 08/10/09 07:06 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
NitneLiun Offline
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Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
Because the ACLU has an agenda and civil liberties isn't on that agenda.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."

#441480 - 08/10/09 07:46 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
have2cit Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
We know what the liberals would say if it was George W Bush issuing this white house edict to the masses: REPRESSION!!!!!!!!!

#441481 - 08/10/09 08:12 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
elaborator Offline
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Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town
oh ffs king...

it is because of the lies that are percolating and circulating from yr side about the supposed evils of health care reform like having seniors killed cuz you know...all Democrats are brownshirt nazi socialists and against God and and and ....

the president....he is BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!


#441482 - 08/10/09 08:51 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
ivorenginedriver Offline
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Registered: 09/19/05
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Loc: Baltimore, MD
GOPers are telling lies to senior citizens and sending goon squads to disrupt meetings, and the WH is calling them on their bullshit.

#441483 - 08/10/09 09:04 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
have2cit Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
We have all seen these well dressed swastika carriers among the groups of social security receiving hooligans. Protests against the government becoming illegal must be one of those "changes we can believe in" that Obama was talking about during his campaign. We should file a freedom of information act to see how many of these "flagged" people end up on the IRS audit list.

#441484 - 08/10/09 09:11 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
NitneLiun Offline
Registered Sex Offender

Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
The only thugs I've seen at these town hall meetings are union thugs who are brought in by Dems to intimidate and even assault those citizens who have the audacity to exercise their first amendment rights.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."

#441485 - 08/10/09 01:37 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

it's inevitable that this thread will turn partisan once coke joins in, however, am I the only one disturbed by the fact that president obama and the whitehouse are urging americans to snitch on their neighbors if they disagree with the one's healthcare plan?

Don't know how sending an email to that address is "snitching". White House is probably just analyzing the data they receive to target their public relations campaign. And, the White House will use the addresses of people who send them email on a list that they will send their own emails to, to propagate the propaganda they want out there.

If they were sending men in trench coats to show up on people's doorsteps in the middle of the night, it'd be different. But, the White House should be able to participate in the dialogue via email without being considered Big Brother.

#441486 - 08/10/09 01:45 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

official whitehouse blog

I love the first video on that White House web page where the semi-fashionable old white lady shows the clips of Obama where he is delivering his "true" message. First he says if you want to keep your current health insurance, that won't change. Then, he says he wants to keep the good parts of the current system, but change the bad parts. Then, he says he's going to use the public plan to "discipline" the private companies providing plans. And finally, he repeats his rhetoric that if you like you're current health plan, nothing is going to change with it.

Come on! Stop saying you're going to change it, but that you're not going to change it!

The idea that "I'm just going to pinpoint the bad stuff and change that, but the good stuff will remain frozen intact" is silly. If you change any part of it with the massive force of govt., it's going to ripple throughout the system and change other things.

That White House web page sounds like just as much disinformation as what they are claiming to be guarding against.

#441487 - 08/10/09 04:01 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains
Yes it is troubling and if the repubs were in the WH there would be a huge shitstorm over it but by the same token since this White House gets away with so much it is refreshing that the drone attacks on the taliban continue unabated with nary a peep from the usual sources. So sometimes the media bias does work in favor of some of Obama's decisions that i do like.
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#441488 - 08/10/09 04:15 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
the unknown pervert Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
You were wrong K1ng. It got partisan before Coke even got here. Here is one of those brownshirted intimidating Republicans sabotaging a hard working Congressman's meeting.

Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi goes George Orwell in the USA Today.


These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.

The opponents are afraid of differing views? The opponents aren't the ones hiring union thugs to beat up stage 4 cancer victims because they stand in the way of said union thugs closing the doors of a supposed town hall meeting in Tampa, Florida to the public. The opposers aren't the ones that are now insisting on having these meetings done over the phone so they will not have to look constituents in the eye when they try to feed them the bullshit they are selling in this bill. Apparently drowning out opposing views in a forum on health care is different from drowning out opposing views at lectures on illegal immigration at Columbia University and the University of North Carolina or drowning out opposing views by Marine recruiters at their own recruiting station..


The first fact is that health insurance reform will mean more patient choice.

No, it won't. Yes you can keep any coverage you have before this gets enacted due to a grandfather clause but if you enter the work force after this gets enacted you will only be allowed to choose between the government plan and a private plan that has all of the components of the government plan. In other words you will be able to choose between the government plan and the government plan. Eventually as this generation leaves the work force you will only have the government plan.


Reform will mean stability and peace of mind for the middle class. Never again will medical bills drive Americans into bankruptcy; never again will Americans be in danger of losing coverage if they lose their jobs or if they become sick; never again will insurance companies be allowed to deny patients coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

Wrong. All you are doing with this bill is substituting the phrase end of life program for pre-existing condition. Oh, you will still get care but you will have no say over what kind of care you will receive, the government will decide for you.


Reform will also mean higher-quality care by promoting preventive care so health problems can be addressed before they become crises. This, too, will save money. We'll be a much healthier country if all patients can receive regular checkups and tests, such as mammograms and diabetes exams, without paying a dime out-of-pocket.

How? On the average someone that lives until they are 90 will have more visits to the doctor's office and hospital than someone that lives until they are 75. Won't that increase costs instead? It's great that more people will get these diseases diagnosed earlier but these diseases will still have to be treated whether they were diagnosed at date A or one year from date A. And the more people you save from these diseases the more follow up trips to the doctor for check ups you are going to have. The problem with health care reform is that the more people whose lives are saved and the longer the life span of the people on the insurance means the more the whole program is going to cost. It is that way with private insurance companies now and it will be that way with a federal insurance program later.


Now — with Americans strongly supporting health insurance reform, with Congress reaching consensus on a plan, and with a president who ran and won on this specific promise of change — America is closer than ever to this century-deferred goal.

I remember a president who ran and won on the promise of change. I do not remember him emphasizing this (or any of his other policies for that matter) as being a specific part of that change. In fact I do not remember him mentioning any particulars to what "change" would occur with his election.

If anyone wants to read this entire mind numbing vast wasteland of legislative flotsam and jetsam here it is.

How can anyone expect me to have faith in a piece of legislation that includes this blue-ribbon prize winning clause of doubletalk?

(Courtesy of page 203 under the heading of Not Treated as Tax Imposed By this Chapter for Certain Purposes).

"The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax imposed by this chapter for purposes of determining the amount of any credit under this chapter or for purposes of section 55."

Don't ask me what section 55 is I haven't got the faintest idea. Trying to navigate this piece of legislation is like going over Niagara Falls blindfolded on a Tilt-a-Whirl.

I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules

#441489 - 08/10/09 04:22 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Soopergrizz Offline
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Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild
Didn't the Bush WH simply screen the emails (illegally) of people they deemed to be offside their views.

Is it wrong that the WH would like to know what is being said (falsely) in an effort to derail their legislative agenda?

The request says:


If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov

I can understand a certain level of paranoia surrounding the gov't wanting to know what shenanigans were going on, after all, the last adminstration was quite unapologetic about the liberties that were taken with your liberties.

Do any of you really see the hilbillies shouting down the politicians, tears in their eyes, accusing the gov't of planning to euthanize the aged, as kindred spirits?
You're all still alive?

#441490 - 08/10/09 04:57 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?

nothing new here....


go with the plan...or you will let the terrorists win.

#441491 - 08/10/09 05:03 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
elaborator Offline
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Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town
these same people were just fine with the Bush White House wiretaps and his planned TIPS program that was pulled after people were comparing it to the Stasi of Eastern Germany....

...but none of that matters cuz the republicans are severely butthurt that they are out of power and are going insane and using fear and lies again.

This whole affair will just shake out whatever sensible ones were left in the party after the whole Terri Schaivo shitslip.


#441492 - 08/10/09 05:16 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
charin Offline
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Registered: 07/15/05
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Loc: Dayton
One of the fuckers stupid enough to do the insurance industry's dirty work, faked injury and now wants donations, because he lost his job and doesn't have health insurance. Same bastards who yell about tort reform.


TUP, I'm disappointed. Of course, preventative care saves money. And anything of this magnitude that goes through Congress has legalese in it.

I guess you guys don't want anyone between a doctor and patient, except for a for profit insurance company with a history of screwing people.

I don't think the ACLU is opposed to, "Hey, if you see dumb-ass bullshit lies about us, let us know, OK?"

I see no alternatives being proposed here, or by the idiots turning what should be a public discussion into a shouting match. If ya'll know so much, why didn't you propose a single fucking thing to fix the mess when you were in power for 8 years? Huh?

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
Fuck 'em all but nine.

#441493 - 08/10/09 05:18 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
LouCypher Offline
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Registered: 10/19/06
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Elab... start watching True Blood.

It's like The Wire but with more tits and as many black peeps, bubbles.

430629-bubbles.jpg (3 downloads)

i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#441494 - 08/10/09 05:26 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
elaborator Offline
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Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town

Do any of you really see the hilbillies shouting down the politicians, tears in their eyes, accusing the gov't of planning to euthanize the aged, as kindred spirits?

that skanky meth head in arkansas (at 1:16 of the youtube) sobbing "i want mah america back!!!" is is both funny AND scary

the Tea Baggers were out in full force

these people are why the south is fucked hahaha

#441495 - 08/10/09 05:58 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?


these same people were just fine with the Bush White House wiretaps and his planned TIPS program that was pulled after people were comparing it to the Stasi of Eastern Germany....

...but none of that matters cuz the republicans are severely butthurt that they are out of power and are going insane and using fear and lies again.

This whole affair will just shake out whatever sensible ones were left in the party after the whole Terri Schaivo shitslip.

elaborator 4 pres.....next go around.....and king will be VP nom...or at least the avatar!!!

#441496 - 08/10/09 06:07 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

I guess you guys don't want anyone between a doctor and patient, except for a for profit insurance company with a history of screwing people.

charin, you're really convinced if a company is trying to make money that they are screwing people, aren't you?


I see no alternatives being proposed here,

Liberal bullshit. Click

The article mentions details not being hammered out, but that's usual by the minority party who's legislation is not really being looked at to be passed anyway.

And, that's just what I could find with a quick Google search.

McCain ran with a full health care proposal whose tenets were generally well-received by Republicans.


or by the idiots turning what should be a public discussion into a shouting match.

This is just the media looking for easy ratings. People standing up and making fools of themselves will get people watching every time. There's a real discussion going on. Just ignore that shit.

It's cried about so much because the Liberal bullshitters want to exaggerate the behavior of the people who disagree and make them all look like buffoons you shouldn't be listening too.


If ya'll know so much, why didn't you propose a single fucking thing to fix the mess when you were in power for 8 years? Huh?

More Liberal bullshit. Bush proposed shit, just like Clinton proposed shit. Neither got very much done.

#441497 - 08/10/09 06:14 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?


I see no alternatives being proposed here, or by the idiots turning what should be a public discussion into a shouting match. If ya'll know so much, why didn't you propose a single fucking thing to fix the mess when you were in power for 8 years? Huh?

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy

PAC's were paying for it to happen....so we have gone the trail of the laughingstock for the free world...

now we just stit back and let the work see what a mockery of what a few extremes lefties and righties go nuts.....without no room for compromise....goota love it....the armerican system is broken, flawed....I hope your great white female hope sarah palin can make up more distortions....twisting the truth....I hope that there are euthanasia panals....I am so sick of them (OLD FUCKERS) breathing our clean air....they do so well on the highways.

typical life span.....for older americans has gone up.....who needs 'em....taking up space and breating MY air....non compliant with modern rules.....I think the INS sould make the Immigration process harder and should do it again to all us citizens over 70....if they fail....firing squad at dawn.

#441498 - 08/10/09 07:12 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
charin Offline
Gag Factor Guru
Porn Jesus

Registered: 07/15/05
Posts: 5290
Loc: Dayton

charin, you're really convinced if a company is trying to make money that they are screwing people, aren't you?

You trust health insurance companies?!?



I see no alternatives being proposed here,

Liberal bullshit. Click

I said here, XPT, this thread.



or by the idiots turning what should be a public discussion into a shouting match.

This is just the media looking for easy ratings. People standing up and making fools of themselves will get people watching every time. There's a real discussion going on. Just ignore that shit.

It's cried about so much because the Liberal bullshitters want to exaggerate the behavior of the people who disagree and make them all look like buffoons you shouldn't be listening too.

That's all the Republicans have now, the teabaggers and birthers. They may get a few representatives elected in the south and hinterlands, but they are going to be dead if this is all they have. The Glenn Becks and Rush Limbaughs and Sarah Palins who have taken over are promoting this stuff and giving it coverage, so much for this "liberal media" bullshit.



If ya'll know so much, why didn't you propose a single fucking thing to fix the mess when you were in power for 8 years? Huh?

More Liberal bullshit. Bush proposed shit, just like Clinton proposed shit. Neither got very much done.

BushCo. made no attempt at any meaningful health care reform. The insurance companies and their executives raked, and that's all the Republicans care about, rich friends and donors.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
Fuck 'em all but nine.

#441499 - 08/10/09 07:18 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?


More Liberal bullshit. Bush proposed shit, just like Clinton proposed shit. Neither got very much done.

You RIGHTIES shut that shit down FAST.....now its getting more airtime.....and your NOT in control....sucks to be you.....

like i said before dont knock it till ya try it....

but its simple something you cant do....your way or the highyway....

maybe they should distract you by taking away your guns and shit....so you will never see it coming....

confuse and distract...a typical righty way of doing things...if we just try and do the right thing but oh no we cant do that.....were too honest.....dont like to play by such infantile tactics.

i dont see why you righties have such a problem with it....outside of the fact that it may work.....like i said before if it the colossal that you have dreamed...hes a one termer.

#441500 - 08/10/09 07:48 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains
I complain about perceptions more than the tactics. It pisses me off that the same people who hated bush for using these tactics now condone it because one of their team uses them. I do not however blame this white House for using them- the ends justifies the means. However they have 3 more years to do it, people will jump off this float next election unless they see tangible positive results.

and Lou, I knew you were a Layfayette fan at heart
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#441501 - 08/10/09 09:26 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
elaborator Offline
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Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town
cleetus....i am going to say this real slow okay?

The white house is trying to collect any information about the rampant disinformation that is going on with the Health Care battle. There seems to be a concerted effort to spread lies and to scare the feeble minded. The Obama White House has set up a website to refute any of these and he is merely suggesting that people turn in their examples.

This is not at all similar to the shit the last president was doing with the NSA.

Get a fucking Grip already


#441502 - 08/10/09 09:29 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
elaborator Offline
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Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town

charin, you're really convinced if a company is trying to make money that they are screwing people, aren't you?

that is how they make the money idiot

#441503 - 08/10/09 09:52 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011


charin, you're really convinced if a company is trying to make money that they are screwing people, aren't you?

You trust health insurance companies?!?

Not implicitly. But, I'm not under any impression that they're actively trying to screw people like you are.


I said here, XPT, this thread.

You actually want members of XPT to come up with proposals? WTF? You're much better off listening to non-anymouns members of Congress and professional media...


That's all the Republicans have now, the teabaggers and birthers.

And, you guys think Coke is too whacko to be believed...


The Glenn Becks and Rush Limbaughs and Sarah Palins who have taken over are promoting this stuff and giving it coverage, so much for this "liberal media" bullshit.

Yeah, okay. You got me taking a cheap shot at Liberals calling all that coverage their fault.

But, just ignore that shit. There's plenty of discussion going on. You ranting about it, you're just becoming part of the riff-raff.


BushCo. made no attempt at any meaningful health care reform.

They implemented those drug cards which was the government spending huge amounts of money to get people cheaper prescription drugs. And, in his last year as President he tried to remove the tax break for corporations to provide health insurance and give it to individuals instead. Which would have given individuals power over their health insurance instead of these for-profit businesses you despise so much. But, for some reason, you don't want the power in either the individuals or the business hands, you want it in the government's hands.

Those two things Bush did are just what I remember off the top of my head.

And, why does Bush's poor record on health care bother you so much but Clinton's doesn't?


You RIGHTIES shut that shit down FAST.....now its getting more airtime.....and your NOT in control....sucks to be you....

The first 2 years Clinton was in office, the Democrats also controlled both houses of Congress. That was when Hillary had her massive failure in implementing health care reform.

It was in his 2nd term that Clinton got the original SCHIP program passed, when Republicans were in Congress.


i dont see why you righties have such a problem with it....outside of the fact that it may work.....like i said before if it the colossal that you have dreamed...hes a one termer.

We're not afraid it may work. We're afraid of the massive ramifications that it won't work. And, given government programs past history of being horrifically inefficient in the face of the dramatically increasing costs of health care...

And, so what if he's a one-termer? If he gets this passed... Jimmy Carter was a one-termer and got the Departments of Energy and Education passed. Those are much smaller than what Obama's talking about. But, we've still spent billions on them despite that they've gotten damn little done and we still haven't gotten rid of them. Whatever Obama gets across is going to be here to stay. Swish-swashing this kind of stuff around ain't so easy.

But, you'll be happy to know that the Republicans have allayed their alleged fears and popularized a proposal that will take so much power out of the government hands in trying to make it work. Instead of making a government health insurance plan, they want to make it a co-op. Obama's even taken an interest: Click

I just hope he doesn't try to get government hands all over it, making the CEO a political appointee or some shit.

#441504 - 08/10/09 09:58 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
the unknown pervert Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park

TUP, I'm disappointed. Of course, preventative care saves money.

I guess you guys don't want anyone between a doctor and patient, except for a for profit insurance company with a history of screwing people.

I don't think the ACLU is opposed to, "Hey, if you see dumb-ass bullshit lies about us, let us know, OK?"

Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy

Preventive, wellness care could drive up costs: CBO
"The Congressional Budget Office said that federal investment in prevention and wellness programs could actually drive up costs rather than reduce them, and potentially overstep programs already in place in Medicare and private health plans. “Although different types of preventive care have different effects on spending, the evidence suggests that for most preventive services, expanded utilization leads to higher, not lower, medical spending overall,” CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf wrote in a blog entry posted Sunday.

Preventive services include medical procedures to test for certain types of cancer, cholesterol management and vaccines, while wellness programs include weight-management programs, dietary advice and smoking cessation directions.

In each case, the CBO said that even though it plans to study the topic further, it's hard-pressed to show what's known as "scorable" long-term savings. The issue has long frustrated lawmakers, who have banked on parlaying such programs into future healthcare savings.

Legislation in the House and Senate meant to reshape the healthcare system include measures to nudge Americans into healthier lifestyles, and members of Congress have tried to count those programs toward an overall lowering of healthcare costs.

But researchers who have studied preventive care “generally find that the added costs of widespread use of preventive services tend to exceed the savings from averted illness,” the CBO states."

As far as the for profit insurance companies are concerned, whatever entity, be it private or federal, that is footing the bill for this at the very least is going to have to find a way to bring at least the amount they are paying out. There is only going to be one source for this cash flow one way or another. That source is the consumer. The only way you can avoid this is to go back to the days when doctors prescribed goat testicles and eyes of newt to cure what ailed you. If you want to rail on a big bad corporation let's start with the pharmaceutical companies. Insurance is not really insurance if it does not at least break even.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules

#441505 - 08/10/09 10:12 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

The only way you can avoid this is to go back to the days when doctors prescribed goat testicles and eyes of newt to cure what ailed you.

Yeah, that's the real problem. All these advances in medical care, it's damn expensive. It's like in the 80's when you bought a PC for $7500 that did nothing. Now, in the 00's, you buy a PC for $500 that does everything. In the 80's, you were paying for the research. Now they know how to make a computer and it's cheap. Figuring out how to provide health care is going to take a lot longer than figuring out how to build a computer cheaply. This health care problem is going to take a long ass time.

#441506 - 08/10/09 10:40 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
E.Y.Davis Offline
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Registered: 04/02/09
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TUP, I'm disappointed. Of course, preventative care saves money.

I guess you guys don't want anyone between a doctor and patient, except for a for profit insurance company with a history of screwing people.

I don't think the ACLU is opposed to, "Hey, if you see dumb-ass bullshit lies about us, let us know, OK?"

Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy

Preventive, wellness care could drive up costs: CBO
"The Congressional Budget Office said that federal investment in prevention and wellness programs could actually drive up costs rather than reduce them, and potentially overstep programs already in place in Medicare and private health plans. “Although different types of preventive care have different effects on spending, the evidence suggests that for most preventive services, expanded utilization leads to higher, not lower, medical spending overall,” CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf wrote in a blog entry posted Sunday.

Preventive services include medical procedures to test for certain types of cancer, cholesterol management and vaccines, while wellness programs include weight-management programs, dietary advice and smoking cessation directions.

In each case, the CBO said that even though it plans to study the topic further, it's hard-pressed to show what's known as "scorable" long-term savings. The issue has long frustrated lawmakers, who have banked on parlaying such programs into future healthcare savings.

Legislation in the House and Senate meant to reshape the healthcare system include measures to nudge Americans into healthier lifestyles, and members of Congress have tried to count those programs toward an overall lowering of healthcare costs.

But researchers who have studied preventive care “generally find that the added costs of widespread use of preventive services tend to exceed the savings from averted illness,” the CBO states."

As far as the for profit insurance companies are concerned, whatever entity, be it private or federal, that is footing the bill for this at the very least is going to have to find a way to bring at least the amount they are paying out. There is only going to be one source for this cash flow one way or another. That source is the consumer. The only way you can avoid this is to go back to the days when doctors prescribed goat testicles and eyes of newt to cure what ailed you. If you want to rail on a big bad corporation let's start with the pharmaceutical companies. Insurance is not really insurance if it does not at least break even.

So you believe the best thing is to avoid preventive care and only wait until after you develop an illness before seeking medical care? I suppose if a government employee with a business degree wrote this in a blog entry, it must be the best medical advice available.

--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.

#441507 - 08/11/09 12:42 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
k1ng Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days

oh ffs king...

it is because of the lies that are percolating and circulating from yr side about the supposed evils of health care reform like having seniors killed cuz you know...all Democrats are brownshirt nazi socialists and against God and and and ....

the president....he is BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!

what's the deal with you libs always labeling anyone that's critical of your position as a "nazi" or "racist"? it's like some kind of deep-seated projection from white liberal elites that can't control their guilt hoping to pay some form of penitence for past deeds. I don't give a shit what color obama is. I disagree with his politics not his skin color. you libs are the ones obsessed with racism not me.

so, GWB tries to protect american citizens from terrorists post 9/11, he's compared to hitler. not to mention, being accused by the left of manufacturing the attack in the first place. that's serious debate and protected speech, of course.

bo wants you to take a shit on the first amendment and freedom of speech by forwarding anything that looks "fishy" regarding his healthcare politics to the whitehouse and everyone should just turn a blind eye? you're ok with the whitehouse collecting data and compiling a list of citizens with dissenting opinion? I know you support obama, but I'm really surprised you're ok with this. to be honest, you're the last person I'd guess would be willing to trust the government given your outspoken criticism these past few years. the whitehouse shouldn't be generating lists of dissent of any kind. period.


it is because of the lies that are percolating and circulating from yr side about the supposed evils of health care reform

using that nonsense above as a reason to bury your head in the sand is no excuse. politics aside, it's an unfortunate door that obama opened in his first few months as president. when a republican gets elected down the road and asks for people to notify the whitehouse of "fishy" behavior that goes against his conservative politics don't complain and cry raep.
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey

#441508 - 08/11/09 01:13 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Claude Goddard Offline

Registered: 06/16/07
Posts: 2512
Loc: Slumberland
Gotta love it when someone pulls out Orwell, he's used almost as often as Hitler during web 'debates' by shitheads of all political persuasions but there's no doubting that he'd have nothing to do with the right-wing fucktards that throw his name around.

#441509 - 08/11/09 01:55 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
k1ng Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days

Didn't the Bush WH simply screen the emails (illegally) of people they deemed to be offside their views.

wow. I don't know. did the bush whitehouse illegally screen the emails of people they deemed to be offside?

the names and emails of those screened people should be identified. publish the list.


Is it wrong that the WH would like to know what is being said (falsely) in an effort to derail their legislative agenda?

(falsely) - really? who decides what is "false"? or what is being "falsely reported?" you're canadian right? is the state run canadian media ever wrong or "false"? are you ever suspicious of the state run media that is looking to push the benefits of state run healthcare? if you voice concern will your name and email address be recorded by your government?


Do any of you really see the hilbillies shouting down the politicians, tears in their eyes, accusing the gov't of planning to euthanize the aged, as kindred spirits?

a canadian speaking for american "hillbillies" with a heaping helpful and spoonfull of disdain? you're really channeling your northern inner liberal elite, well done. everyone just lay down and close your eyes. this will all be over in a second. don't question or protest anything. they know what's best for you. accept it.
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey

#441510 - 08/11/09 06:28 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains

cleetus....i am going to say this real slow okay?

The white house is trying to collect any information about the rampant disinformation that is going on with the Health Care battle. There seems to be a concerted effort to spread lies and to scare the feeble minded. The Obama White House has set up a website to refute any of these and he is merely suggesting that people turn in their examples.

This is not at all similar to the shit the last president was doing with the NSA.

Get a fucking Grip already

Listen Elab, I fail to see how a personal attack on me in any way refutes any of my points. Tell me in all honesty that if this was Bush doing this exact same thing in the WH you wouldn't be pissing all over this board about it, like you were about all the other shit he pulled. Of course this is not the exact same thing that Bush pulled. I never compared it to anything Bush did specifically but unsavory tactics can be compared can they not even if apples and oranges. And of course my point about waiting 3 years before judgment made no sense right? Obama has 3 years to make his plan work, simple as that other wise he looks as feckless as Hillary if it never gets off the ground.

If you want to keep up with all this partisan bullshit I can go through the news every day and post articles on all the shit that Dems are up to and post it here too, like you lefties did during the repubs reign. Hmmm I wonder what Edwards is up to today?

I have made it clear that I have little or no use for most politicians, I was a Republican but was disappointed far too many times by there shit to be considered one any more, you guys however seem to take every criticism of the left as an attack on the holy while calling the right ignorant for doing the same. I will say it again, until this country's populace stops looking at politics like its favorite sport where they only root for my team and the other team is evil we will be stuck wallowing in the gutter never making any progress and the only solace i will take is that i was smart enough not to reproduce so that my children won't have to live through the shitstorm coming.

My point and I thought I was clear enough about it as are most of my political posts was about the inequality of the news coverage of these types of issues from mainstream media. I don't watch fox news anymore and I didn't see one story on this subject on the nightly news. Other than my percieved inequalities I will usually only post politics if there is something I am concerned about or am asking for clarification on , for example Obama's first meeting with the British Prime Minister.

But Please Elab do say everything real slowly in all your future posts it might do you some good to take that extra time thinking through your ideas before committing them to writing.

The only reason I even replied to this shit is that I am bored because this is free time I usually occupy for 30 minutes by playing that game you know and love but alas the servers are down for maintenance
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#441511 - 08/11/09 06:40 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
have2cit Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind

until this country's populace stops looking at politics like its favorite sport where they only root for my team and the other team is evil we will be stuck wallowing in the gutter never making any progress


#441512 - 08/11/09 07:37 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Soopergrizz Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild

you're canadian right? is the state run canadian media ever wrong or "false"? are you ever suspicious of the state run media that is looking to push the benefits of state run healthcare? if you voice concern will your name and email address be recorded by your government?

We don't have state run media. We have one national network that is funded, in part, through the public sector. We also have 200+ other networks (including most of yours), that aren't.

Some individual productions can get grant money.

The myth that there is state-sponsored media that is beholden to the government could not be further from the truth.

For the record, our single payer system works very well, not perfectly, but very well.

Ask Tatty about all the surgeries he's mentioned before. How much did that cost him? Was it difficult to pay on a waiter's salary?
You're all still alive?

#441513 - 08/11/09 08:34 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
elaborator Offline
Porn Icon

Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town

what's the deal with you libs always labeling anyone that's critical of your position as a "nazi" or "racist"?

um no king that would be what yr side is saying about the obama administration...that was why i purposely said "brownshirt nazi socialists" because both accusations are being used strangely enough.

#441514 - 08/11/09 09:00 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
elaborator Offline
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Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town


Listen Elab, I fail to see how a personal attack on me in any way refutes any of my points.

i didn't mean that as a personal attack cleetus...i was talking slowly for all the republicans on the board

Sorry you had to waste yr downtime from the Wonderful World of OW and type all that. You are right about much of what you say. For some politics are kind of a sport or sorts. God knows i got lambasted here for posting anti bush stuff and being called a Bush Hater or even worse a Gunker! I have tried to keep things away from XPT and not get into any more bitch matches with the right wing on here. This whole thing with the town halls has touched a nerve tho because I got really into politics in 2000 especially after the Brooks Brothers Riot and this seems to be the same machinations.

Yr a beautiful soul Cleetus and I don't want to fight with you baby...

PS i havent played wow in years but am currently obsessed with playing TF2 which is like a nonstop version of that PVP game of capture the flag from that Gulch or whatever ...but with no faggy elves!!!


#441515 - 08/11/09 09:50 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
tattypatty Offline
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Registered: 01/30/08
Posts: 7600
Loc: a site known for its tolerance...

Ask Tatty about all the surgeries he's mentioned before. How much did that cost him? Was it difficult to pay on a waiter's salary?

wasn't even gonna bother because this thread is just kinda the same two sides yelling at nobody but I saw this. I know it is anecdotal, but my treatment (and a subsequent one for a tumor on my carotid artery years later) was top fucking notch. It is easy to jump on a story when the daughter of a billionaire (Sheilagh Stronach) goes to the US for treatment, but I think it kind of drives the point home that the wealthy have the advantage. And noone has ever put up a stat about Americans that go abroad for cheaper surgeries.
I dunno what is right for you guys, I really don't, but I would be curious what the consensus is on the quality of the care you receive and what should be done. It could be Jew Liberal Media Bias, but I get the feeling that many of you are displeased with the care you receive. Maybe it should be another thread (sorry for the derail).
"I'll never forget the moment during the lovely Alyssa Allure's scene in 'American Bukkake' where the fellow got out of his wheel chair to ejaculate on her face. It was grotesque but had a certain frisson." -Sock

#441516 - 08/11/09 10:22 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains
No problem Elaborator, I just wanted to clarify my position, one of disgust with most politicos and the way it is covered. I never have ill feelings with people who do not agree with me on one subject or another anyway, otherwise I wouldn't get along with Freesylah, you or many others I have had disagreements with in regard to politics , world affairs or movies I like.

I can't be classified anymore anyway- my two favorite politicos presently are newt gingrich and NY AG Cuomo
It is really hard to find people I can actually get behind anymore.

Every Tuesday that fucking game has downtime to fix the servers and that happens to be the day i usually have a bit of time to play. Plus the servers never seem to be fixed
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#441517 - 08/11/09 10:24 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
the unknown pervert Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park

So you believe the best thing is to avoid preventive care and only wait until after you develop an illness before seeking medical care? I suppose if a government employee with a business degree wrote this in a blog entry, it must be the best medical advice available.

I don't have any problem with preventative care. It's good to prevent as many health problems as possible, but it is not going to save anyone any money in this program which is what people are being led to believe. The fact however is that with the exception of Shriners hospitals and the occasional religion funded medical center health care is not a charity nor is it a non-profit organization. If you want to be treated for something or do something to prevent a disease or injury you are going to have to pay someone in some form, be it premiums, taxes, or just an old fashioned bill of services. If you are not paying for the treatment of your chronic injury or disease it is only going to be because you will footing part of the bill for everyone else's chronic injuries and diseases. The idea that any of this stuff will be free flies in the face of the law of conservation of matter.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules

#441518 - 08/11/09 11:36 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?



Do any of you really see the hilbillies shouting down the politicians, tears in their eyes, accusing the gov't of planning to euthanize the aged, as kindred spirits?

that skanky meth head in arkansas (at 1:16 of the youtube) sobbing "i want mah america back!!!" is is both funny AND scary

the Tea Baggers were out in full force

these people are why the south is fucked hahaha

The South is fucked in MANY MANY, MANY more ways that you have said.....but focusing one the ENTIRE country not just a small area or even demographic....

I know several people on FIXED incomes....retirement/pension/social security. They have tried both public/private services and yet they always migrate back to the PUBLIC programs.....not because they are better.....but its cost effective.

meaning they could use the private program and if they used the emergency as the PCP then they would end up with a bill....some type of bill...co pay or otherwise.

Now the public plan (its already there you whiners) such as medicaid and medicare worked FINE....and they were not hit with another somewhat catastrophic expense....since living on a strict budget...ANYTHING could be considered...almost catastrophic.

#441519 - 08/11/09 02:16 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
have2cit Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind

.......being called a Bush Hater or even worse a Gunker!

that's terrible

#441520 - 08/11/09 02:50 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?

I too was also unsettled by the PATRIOT ACT.....where were you guys bithcin about that....my suggestion.....you rolled over for that....now roll over for this.....I think your all Un-American.....it hurts when the shoes on the OTHER foot dont it!

#441521 - 08/11/09 03:08 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Northrop Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011

I know it is anecdotal, but my treatment (and a subsequent one for a tumor on my carotid artery years later) was top fucking notch.

The main derision toward the Canadian health care system is how long you have to wait. I've read a few Canadian cities actually do lotteries to see who wins a doctor's appointment? And, waiting for some medical conditions, like chronic pain, is excruciating.


It is easy to jump on a story when the daughter of a billionaire (Sheilagh Stronach) goes to the US for treatment, but I think it kind of drives the point home that the wealthy have the advantage.

What got a little bit of hoopla here in states is when the guy who was in charge of the commission in Canada that created your current health care system said it was in "crisis". The main issue being the waiting periods.



And noone has ever put up a stat about Americans that go abroad for cheaper surgeries.

This isn't that common yet, but is growing in popularity quite a bit. If nothing is done, 10 years from now, you'll see it a lot. I think the main reason it isn't popular yet is just Americans are so used to having it easy and going to a foreign country is a pain in the ass. It'll just take time to change the habits.


I would be curious what the consensus is on the quality of the care you receive and what should be done.

It's excellent, best medical care money can buy. But, you have to have money to buy it, or at least, what is more common, insurance.

You get Diabetes and lose your job, you also lose your health insurance. Then, nobody will insure you unless you get another job. And, keep working these jobs until you turn 65 at which point you qualify for government Medicare insurance. Most companies provide group health insurance that you can't be turned down for. But, if you're an individual looking for coverage, you don't get that protection.

My father has Diabetes and is retired but not 65. His insurance premiums come to about $10K/year. And, the only reason he has insurance is because he's stayed with the same insurance company 20 years. If he stopped using that company, everyone else would turn him down. He looked at starting a business just for tax/insurance purposes. Doing that, he would have been able to get a group policy where they can't turn you down for pre-existing conditions, even though he'd have been the only one in the group. That would have cost him $23K/year.

There are other common scenarios where you lose your insurance, like if you don't have a job good enough where they supply health insurance and you just can't afford it on your own. I talked to a 50 year old lady who was doing contract work who was having trouble affording the $300/month premiums she was being charged.

#441522 - 08/11/09 04:30 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
charin Offline
Gag Factor Guru
Porn Jesus

Registered: 07/15/05
Posts: 5290
Loc: Dayton

If he stopped using that company, everyone else would turn him down.

More like, if he gets really sick, that company will stop using him.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
Fuck 'em all but nine.

#441523 - 08/11/09 05:04 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
freestylah Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
No, not in the least. I'm very unsettled by electro's banning, though.
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.

#441524 - 08/11/09 05:04 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?

okay..bitch bitch bitch....we only have a medicare medicaid model to look from...

has anyone actually read the FINAL draft of this legislation?

my guess is that they didnt....since there are so many they have yet to come up with a general plan....so go home and cry in your beer about how your rights will be taken away....the death squads will be after you....

i hope they take me out first since i have no reason but spewing my jibberish.

Firing Squad - so cool
Lethal Gas - nice relaxed
Lethal Injection - your last dream before your final breath.

KILL ME NOW.....get it over with fuckers.

#441525 - 08/11/09 06:48 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
tattypatty Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/30/08
Posts: 7600
Loc: a site known for its tolerance...
Thanks for the feedback, Northrop .I tried to start another thread,you lazy fucks. Conq is a Yank who lives in Ontario now so I'd like to hear him. And I just wanna add another little anecdote:

Yesterday I woke up with what I thought was strep. I phoned my GP (with no appointment whatsoever) and he saw me within 40 minutes. I have waited for up to 2 hrs when I was doing radiation, but it was never like I got turned away. What are the wait times like in the states? From sitcoms etc. one gets the impression that you can wait forever as well.
Other than having to miss work, I suffered absolutely zero financial hardship from getting sick. Anyways, I wish you guys would post in the other thread with stories of your own. It would be nice to get a perspective from you euros as well.....

Edited by tattypatty (08/11/09 06:54 PM)
"I'll never forget the moment during the lovely Alyssa Allure's scene in 'American Bukkake' where the fellow got out of his wheel chair to ejaculate on her face. It was grotesque but had a certain frisson." -Sock

#441526 - 08/12/09 02:35 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Claude Goddard Offline

Registered: 06/16/07
Posts: 2512
Loc: Slumberland

I've read a few Canadian cities actually do lotteries to see who wins a doctor's appointment?

This is bullshit. Point blank. The fact that the right wing in the US (I believe that modern Elmer Gantry, Glenn Beck, actually claimed this) has to invent this shit shows they've got nothing. Nada.

The real question is why is the US media so broke the likes of Beck can get away with bald-faced lies like this?

#441527 - 08/13/09 12:29 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
have2cit Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
Government Proposes Massive Shift In Online Privacy Policy


WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union submitted comments today to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) opposing its recent proposal to reverse current federal policy and allow the use of web tracking technologies, like cookies, on federal government websites. Cookies can be used to track an Internet user’s every click and are often linked across multiple websites; they frequently identify particular people.

Since 2000, it has been the policy of the federal government not to use such technology. But the OMB is now seeking to change that policy and is considering the use of cookies for tracking web visitors across multiple sessions and storing their unique preferences and surfing habits. Though this is a major shift in policy, the announcement of this program consists of only a single page from the federal register that contains almost no detail.

“This is a sea change in government privacy policy,” said Michael Macleod-Ball, Acting Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. “Without explaining this reversal of policy, the OMB is seeking to allow the mass collection of personal information of every user of a federal government website. Until the OMB answers the multitude of questions surrounding this policy shift, we will continue to raise our strenuous objections.”

The use of cookies allows a website to differentiate between users and build a database of each user’s viewing habits and the information they share with the site. Since web surfers frequently share information like their name or email address (if they’ve signed up for a service) or search request terms, the use of cookies frequently allows a user’s identity and web surfing habits to be linked. In addition, websites can allow third parties, such as advertisers, to also place cookies on a user’s computer.

“Americans rely on the information from the federal government to research politics, medical issues and legal requirements. The OMB is now asking to retain the personal and identifiable information we leave behind,” said Christopher Calabrese, Counsel for the ACLU Technology and Liberty Project. “No American should have to sacrifice privacy or risk surveillance in order to access free government information. No policy change should be adopted without wide ranging debate including information on the restrictions and uses of cookies as well as impact on privacy.”

This must be more of the Obama bipartisanship we were promised. Create enemy lists and track peoples surfing habits on-line.


#441528 - 08/13/09 04:35 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
LouCypher Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified

I complain about perceptions more than the tactics. It pisses me off that the same people who hated bush for using these tactics now condone it because one of their team uses them. I do not however blame this white House for using them- the ends justifies the means. However they have 3 more years to do it, people will jump off this float next election unless they see tangible positive results.

and Lou, I knew you were a Layfayette fan at heart

Aww Hell Nawww.....

I feel like I won something, Cleet took a shot at me.
Seriously.. It's like an Espy or some shit.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#441529 - 08/13/09 04:40 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains


I complain about perceptions more than the tactics. It pisses me off that the same people who hated bush for using these tactics now condone it because one of their team uses them. I do not however blame this white House for using them- the ends justifies the means. However they have 3 more years to do it, people will jump off this float next election unless they see tangible positive results.

and Lou, I knew you were a Layfayette fan at heart

Aww Hell Nawww.....

I feel like I won something, Cleet took a shot at me.
Seriously.. It's like an Espy or some shit.

Sorry Lou wasn't a shot, other than Anna Paquin Lafayette is my favorite character on that show- love the show but I am to cheap to buy hbo just for that so i have to wait a year for dvd to watch season 2
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#441530 - 08/13/09 04:45 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
LouCypher Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
Are you telling me you haven't seen the basement hip joint scene Cleet?.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#441531 - 08/13/09 07:49 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains

Are you telling me you haven't seen the basement hip joint scene Cleet?.

Nope- the perils of being too cheap to pay for the HBO
I am reading the novels but it isn't the same, the show really is better than the source materials, not often said.
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#441532 - 08/13/09 07:52 PM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
LouCypher Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
No spoilers tards...


Go back to arguing amongst yourselves and all.. Nothing to see here.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#441533 - 08/14/09 01:51 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
k1ng Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days


what's the deal with you libs always labeling anyone that's critical of your position as a "nazi" or "racist"?

um no king that would be what yr side is saying about the obama administration...that was why i purposely said "brownshirt nazi socialists" because both accusations are being used strangely enough.

you're a crackhead. leftys have patented the use of the term "nazi" as well as any other "hitler" type rhetoric against the right for years, to pretend otherwise is delusional.


Baird said he's using the new system because he fears his political opponents may be planning "an ambush" to disrupt his meetings, using methods Baird compared to Nazism.

"What we're seeing right now is close to Brown Shirt tactics," Baird, D-Vancouver, said in a phone interview. "I mean that very seriously."



Last week, Democratic Party Chairman T. Robert Hill posted a comment on a Madison County Young Republicans' Facebook page calling the group "brownshirts" - Nazi stormtroopers - in response to the Young Republicans' petition for Tanner to hold a more traditional town hall forum on health care reform.



They're carrying swastikas and symbols like that to town meetings on healthcare.

- nancy pelosi



Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, was having second thoughts – or was he? – about the way he had characterized people who are disrupting town halls with "lies, innuendo and rumor," and not letting others speak. They are, he had said, "evil-mongers."

evil mongers

should I go on? "nazi" and "racism" charges are the hallmark of liberal protest against the right. do you deny this?

what's crazy is, liberal elites criticizing their constituents as "mobs" "big insurance plants" "nazis" "evil mongers" and "racists" because the people disagree with our celebrity in chief's plan for health care reform. yeah, all this disagreement and polling fail is due to right wing organization, lol. blue dog dems are an endangered species, they've been outed as barry lapdogs and unless they take a serious fiscal turn to the right they're fucked. this lib self-annihilation and self-destruction is such a hot mess. 2010 can't come quick enough.

"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey

#441534 - 08/14/09 07:53 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
the unknown pervert Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
Let's do the math on this for a second. Every poll I've seen puts the disapproval rating of these health care bills somewhere between 45 and 55 percent. I remember right after Obama was sworn in that these same polls were putting the number of people who consider themselves or identified with Republicans as 30 percent or maybe a percentage or two higher. So even if every single Republican in America hates this bill where is that other 15 to 25 percent coming from?

And saying that every single person speaking their mind at these town hall meetings is a plant from the insurance companies is like saying every single person that took part in a Vietnam War protest in the 1960s was a member of the KGB.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules

#441535 - 08/15/09 02:35 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
k1ng Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days

...saying that every single person speaking their mind at these town hall meetings is a plant...

whoa! let's settle down you ignorant racist. as the mainstream media points out, critics of barry's agenda must be conservative operatives organized by big business lobbyists. so, shut it!

curiously, teh big three media outlets use every protest or outspoken critic of bo as an example of "right wing" "astroturfing" by "big insurance" yet this goes unnoticed?

$500/week to defend obamas health care plan on effing craigslist no less.

sweet, whoring yourself out on craigslist for 5 bills a week to defend obamacare, good stuff. however, let's ignore that link cuz it doesn't fall in line with the "conservative astroturfing to disrupt townhalls" meme we got going on, thanks msm.

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#441536 - 08/15/09 04:38 AM Re: anyone else a little unsettled by this?
charin Offline
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Registered: 07/15/05
Posts: 5290
Loc: Dayton
and what't this socialist shit about the gubment controlling who can be a doctor. need a gov't licence to practice medicine, fuck that is what is driving the cost up i can take x-rays and prescrive pills let us take care of ourselves the founding fathers had barbers pulling teeth no licence thats like a stamp act we should rebel and take care of ourselves like they intented [/XPTer]
Fuck 'em all but nine.

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