
Monkey: The bad investments weren't something I was interested in selling, nor where they something I was looking to turn around & make bank on in quick fashion - I'll leave it at that.

Ahhh De-Fault


I'm also not some college frat boy that drowns his weekends in beer pong tourneys, so loose the "I've got your number" schtick.

Ohh you are a sophisticated drinker (drunk), does it really matter how or where you drink alcohol?


You don't know dick about me based on what I've said. You're both board-dwelling, analytic asswipe. You're just another smart-ass, faceless heel on this board who pokes at his adversaries in an attempt at making them break, with nary the balls to interact with anyone except from behind a keyboard

YESSSSSSSSS. So would you like to meet me in person Eric? Im sure you will give me a real piece of your mind then


It may be funny to some, but it's tiring, old, shows nothing but cowardess. Now, do I have YOU pegged? You may now return to your games of WoW now, checking XPT in between sessions of medival ass rape.

Close Eric, god knows there isn't a better role model for bravery then you Eric, the guy who airs his dirty laundry on a porn board about a porn whore who made the mistake of pity fucking him a few times.

Wow I can totally see Christian got the whore gene from his mother's side, look at papa's eyes you can see them beaming with joy at what junior has become.

“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis