

thanks again for all of your concern for her well being. just kidding, i love XPT....where human emotion is never in season.

Mr. Clean,

You think after the verbal ass-kicking I took around here for the month of April (or was it May?), the herd was going to be sympathetic toward you & your whore?

The only emotion shown here is by butthurt stunt cocks & suitcase pimps, even if some of us don't hit it on-screen. Lesson learned? Or just another, "I'm rubber you're glue..." experience for you?

Why does he even post any details about this that and the other..and then adds the ubiquitous cold closing
"sucks to be her"

Dude should keep some things private...like a person suffering from gastritis... Hey in the future if you're still bearding it up with this whore can you go into detail when and if she gets a yeast infection?