[Burg_pride]I've had several porn chick friends actually say to me that even with and/or despite my physical "fuckedupness", in terms of overall desirability and appeal, I'm actually lightyears ahead of typical male PWs with their seemingly perfect bodies and huge dicks because, quite simply, they are seriously fucked in the head, as shallow as a Public pool in Harlem, and completely narcissistic, to the point of nausea...[Burg_pride]

I feel a wave of crippled narcissism coming over me now, I better go indulge my drug habit(s) before I start to believe in my own superiority and post about how Holly Randall would have found relationship nirvanna if she had accepted my invitation to be a live-in sex slave in my Burg-lair here in the woods of Connecticut.

If you Dwell on something long enough, you start to believe it....
Are you gonna eat that?