
You put the part (about Phoenix taking the champagne bottle) in bold-face -- does that mean that was something Kieran posted, or did Christian post it and you just made it bold for emphasis?

Please clarify this important question so that I can truly enjoy the drama.

PS : Who the fuck finds anal insertion of a champagne bottle erotic?

as a narrative...

apparently Christian was a a viewing party...I'm assuming other NA workers...maybe at NA offices...watching the special Brazzers Live sex show.. after what is debated as a poor sex show..assume some PW, other than Kieran and Phoenix..had performance issues and didn't go the whole 90 minutes...well anywho..after the money shot...Phoenix got a Champagne bottle and stuck it up her ass...Christian is the one who let that Drop..not only that he has on his Sig at NA discussion board...

I'll paraphrase.. Champagne bottle + this + that = vaginosis and Champagne bottle up your ass on live sex shoe doesn't equal classy equals circus freak..

Christian saw something in that live sex show between Keiran and Phoenix that made him realize that something was going on between the two..maybe a chemistry..

that's why he is so red assed about it...